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Presentation on theme: "HMA-T: “EO GML” and “EO ebRIM CSW” for VITO CVB"— Presentation transcript:

1 HMA-T: “EO GML” and “EO ebRIM CSW” for VITO CVB
HMA-FO Task 1 Metadata Workshop 29th of September 2009, OGC TC Darmstadt Steven Smolders, GIM nv Tim Jacobs, VITO Frédéric Houbie, ERDAS Slide 1

2 Objectives of the Work I1. “To permit the evolution and test of the HMA interoperability standards” by applying the GML application schema for EO Products (OGC ) and the EO Extension Package for ebRIM CSW (OGC ) on a wide range of (derived) EO Products I3. Promote uptake of these standards by European Institutional users and geospatial product developers by applying these standards on VITO CVB systems by providing a reference implementation for these standards Slide 2

3 Metadata Mapping Compare the GML Application Schema for EO Products to the metadata of a wide range of VITO EO Products to verify the applicability of the EO GML and propose extensions where required. Base, Synthesis & Derived EO products Slide 3

4 Metadata Mapping Important remark: we have been looking at metadata to describe EO products for discovery purposes => Catalogues for product exploitation => Descriptive file that is shipped together with the products: important to have Lineage information (different processing steps) Information for the correct interpretation of the images (flag values, band ranges, …) Would be convenient to have for both purposes similar metadata structure Slide 4

5 Metadata Mapping “Base Product” VGT-P Mapping Conclusion
For discovery purposes, EO GML is sufficient but some inconsistencies between text and schema for cardinality of <eop:ProcessingInformation> or subelements (schema states cardinality of 0..1) ProcessingInformation Cardinality changed to 1..n in OGC06-080r5 cardinality of ProductType (schema says it is mandatory) Made optional in OGC06-080r5 Name of element EarthObservationEquipement Corrected in OGC06-080r5 For exploitation metadata, information on the Geometric and Radiometric corrections would be useful. Slide 5

6 Metadata Mapping “Synthesis Product” Mapping Conclusion
For discovery purposes the EO Profile of GML is sufficient If more flexibility is allowed in the compositeType element Changed to xs:duration in OGC06-080r5 Potentially an element is added to capture the synthesis nominal date For exploitation metadata, information on the synthesis algorithm needs to be provided but can be taken up in the ProcessingInformation (after proposed change in cardinality) Slide 6

7 Metadata Mapping “Derived Product” Mapping Conclusion
For discovery purposes EO Profile of GML is sufficient allthough information on physical quantities would be convenient for the user For exploitation metadata, information is required with respect to the interpretation of the EO Product file: Significant digital value (display) range (min/max) Physical values range (min/max) Scale factor and Offset Flag values (Label, code and value): e.g. snow, cloud, missing meteo values, ... Slide 7

8 How to extend EOP GML To capture exploitation metadata additional elements are required Two possible approaches (as per OGC06-080r4) use vendorSpecific/SpecificInformation elements development of a derived schema VITO specific “VGT” schema was developed Slide 8

9 VGT Derived Schema Slide 9

10 Effects on EO EP of CSW-ebRIM
How to deal with the EO Profile of GML extensions (which should not be queryable) in the EO ebRIM CSW extension package? Current EO ebRIM extension package approach involves the mapping of all metadata elements to ebRIM slots even elements that should not be queryable. Each extension to the EO Profile of GML requires in principle an equivalent extension of the EO ebRIM CSW extension package => EO Profile of GML becomes “redundant” => Two documents to maintain => Interoperability Issue also raised in OGC EOxebRIM.SWG- (#168) Slide 10

11 Effects on EO EP of CSW-ebRIM
Alternative approach valid for VITO use case: Keep the currently existing EO extension Package and do not map the additional EO Profile of GML elements to ebRIM Implement Search operation using GetRecords with Full ElementSet like this is normally done Implement Present operation using GetRepositoryItem to retrieve full metadata required for product evaluation Issues with this approach for general applicability: Duplicate information in GetRecords ebRIM and GetRepositoryItem GML Binding of GetRepositoryItem operation (in principle only HTTP GET) Number of operation calls required to retrieve full metadata set Even though extended elements only appear in GML, current compliancy tests fail due to vgt schema that is present in GML (comparison between slots and GML) Slide 11

12 Alternative approach Prototype
VGT4Africa EO EP ebRIM CSW Catalogue with GetRepositoryItem For integration in HMA Portal, adapted workflows were developed. Slide 12 Slide 12 12

13 Future alternative approach
Issues with this approach for general application: Duplicate information in GetRecords ebRIM and GetRepositoryItem GML Binding of GetRepositoryItem operation (in principle only HTTP GET) Number of operation calls required to retrieve full metadata set Could be solved by: Mapping minimum elements (only queryables) to EO ebRIM CSW: light extension package approach In response to a GetRecords operation return an ebRIM structure and a set of GML instances Alternative technologies Zipped packages (Multipart MIME responses) SOAP with XOP and MTOM Slide 13

14 Questions ! Slide 14

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