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Healthy Body: Healthy Mind?

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Body: Healthy Mind?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Body: Healthy Mind?
Maya Chillingworth

2 Package How Can Sport be Used to Improve Mental Health?
Sport Relief – Hype over the celebrity tasks; for example Gregathlon: Pedal to the Peaks. Exploring where the benefits can be continued long after the hype has ended. Focuses – Young adults; Physical exercise; Social interaction.

3 Story Arc Context – the Sports Relief hype & Greg James’ Gregathlon (encouraging listeners to phone in about experiences) Science behind Sport and Mental Health - Factual information about the link between the two Progression – What can be done now? Groups/Activists making a difference now (A personal account) Details on where the listener can access help/information

4 Research Gregathlon – raised £703,156 (2nd March)
Mental Health is a main focus for sport relief Childline in 2016/17: “1 in 3 counselling sessions related to mental or emotional health and wellbeing issues”

5 Research Black Dog Institute
33,908 Norwegian adults were observed and the results showed that regular exercise can reduce depression, but not anxiety. Sport Relief Stories resources?utm_source=schools&utm_medium=offline&utm_campaign =sr18_schools_pack Case Study: Post-Traumatic Stress (Waves for Change - Surfing therapy group)

6 Interviewees Greg James: Provide context - Put a voice to the campaign
Busy – diffcult to organise. Distance – phone interview Medical/Sport Professionals Facts/Knowledge of sport and mental health – educate listener Risk of alienating audience – bitesizable information Dr Carrie McCrea-Routray – Sports Physician (The Edinburgh Clinic) University of Stirling: Psychology of Sport (Accredited) - Postgraduate Lecturers - Dr Pete Coffee & Dr Calum Arthur. Alumni - Kelli Sharp

7 Interviewees Group/Organisation What work is being done? Examples
Homeless World Cup Foundation – reconnecting homeless people; worldwide opportunities (ERASMUS+) England Athletics: The Mental Health Ambassador programme - #runandtalk Who? Ronnie Haydon – Mental Health Ambassador (Guardian running blogger) Desiree Scott – Homeless World Cup Foundation Ambassador; women’s team and children’s training camps

8 Interviewees Personal Experiences Sharing experiences with sport and mental health – Did it help? Examples Someone who has used England Athletics Members of Homeless World Cup Nathan Bullock – The Great North Run; spoken out about finding motivation in overcoming his depression (Age: 22 years) Alix Carpenter – tackled high anxiety through Bath Half Marathon for Mind; blogging about mental health and running (

9 Radio Station Style BBC Radio One Upbeat Conversational
Bed Music: repetitive beat Music: popular; emergy artists; live music Language: casual; informal Topics Covered: Interviews with performers; Phone-ins on current affairs (members of public); Homelessness; News; Education; Work

10 Documentary Style Conversational & appropriately Upbeat
> Stimulate Debate: new perspective Language: simple; uncomplicated; easily understandable Music: Popular (played on Radio One); for example – Drake, Rudimental; Rira Ora, Justine Timberlake, Dua Lipa, Eminem, Steel Banglez, Camila Cabello, Stormzy Bed Music: simple beat; no interfering; mental break

11 Documentary of Interest
Interviews: Avarage Age Range – 13-30 Presenter Led: Presenter - Young adult (17-29); engaging; interested SFX: Break up story arc On Location: Wildtrack – Players enjoying sport; Running; Setting Up; Outside/Gym/Centre atmosphere Aumbiance – Place of work (typing, printers, set up, quiet discussion); Sentimental place (Sound of a room/area – stimulate discussion)

12 Target Audience Documentary target audience
Teens and Young Adults (13-25) Gender: Male and Female Interests: Sport; Health; Celebrities; Mental Health; Popular Music; News Social Life: Sporting Events/Groups/Clubs; Seeking/Recieving Support for Health Problems; Education/Work/Minimum Wage Language: UK Wide BBC Radio One target Audience BBC Radio One Remit: years (and younger teens) Interests: Music; Emerging Artists; Sport; Live Music; Popular Music; Health; News (Related to Young Listeners) Social Life: Social Events (Concerts/Football Matches/Clubs); Education/Work; Growth (some experiencing puberty); Exams/Assessments; Social Media

13 Greg James Interview with Liam Gallagher
Liam Gallagher Rages Music – ‘Killing in the Name of’ – title context Relaxed, Familiar, Socialable Atmosphere Presenter: Greg James – Familiar with interviewee/ Allowed Him to Talk Audience Participation – Relatable to Gallagher Recorded vs Live Tour/ ‘As You Were’

14 Fitting The Magazine Topic: Health and Lifestyle
Adele: Gender Inequality in Sports Rory: Gambling Companies within Sport Jay: What is Sport?

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