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Jeopardy Clay Color Artists Art Styles Misc. Q $100 Q $100 Q $100

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy Clay Color Artists Art Styles Misc. Q $100 Q $100 Q $100"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy Clay Color Artists Art Styles Misc. Q $100 Q $100 Q $100
Final Jeopardy

2 Where does clay come from?
$100 Question from Clay Where does clay come from?

3 $100 Answer from clay The Earth

4 $200 Question from clay What is clay used for?

5 $200 Answer from clay Sculpture, jewelry, etc..

6 What do you have to do when Clay touches clay?
$300 Question from clay What do you have to do when Clay touches clay?

7 $300 Answer from clay Score and slip

8 What two methods are used when Creating a work out of clay?
$400 Question from clay What two methods are used when Creating a work out of clay?

9 Hand building and throwing
$400 Answer from clay Hand building and throwing

10 What do you need to do to prevent your piece from blowing up in the
$500 Question from clay What do you need to do to prevent your piece from blowing up in the kiln?

11 You should wedge your clay and make sure there are no closed air
$500 Answer from clay You should wedge your clay and make sure there are no closed air pockets.

12 What are analogous colors?
$100 Question from color What are analogous colors?

13 They are best friends on the color wheel.
$100 Answer from color They are best friends on the color wheel.

14 What are complementary colors?
$200 Question from color What are complementary colors?

15 They are opposites on the color Wheel.
$200 Answer from color They are opposites on the color Wheel.

16 What is emotional color choice?
$300 Question from color What is emotional color choice?

17 Using color in a piece of art to convey emotions.
$300 Answer from color Using color in a piece of art to convey emotions.

18 complementary color group?
$400 Question from color What is an example of a complementary color group?

19 Red and green, blue an orange, purple and yellow
$400 Answer from color Red and green, blue an orange, purple and yellow

20 What is an example of an analogous color group?
$500 Question from color What is an example of an analogous color group?

21 Red, orange, yellow/green, blue, purple
$500 Answer from color Red, orange, yellow/green, blue, purple

22 $100 Question from artists
What king of artist is John Chamberlain?

23 $100 Answer from artists Abstract

24 $200 Question from artists
What king of artist is Vidya Gastaldon?

25 $200 Answer from artists Surreal

26 $300 Question from artists
Where does John Chamberlain get his art materials?

27 Junk yards, old car lots, etc..
$300 Answer from artists Junk yards, old car lots, etc..

28 $400 Question from artists
What is I See Therefor I am by Vidya Gastaldon made from?

29 $400 Answer from artists Paint

30 $500 Question from artists
Where is Vidya Gastaldon from?

31 $500 Answer from artists France

32 $100 Question from art styles
What is surrealism?

33 $100 Answer from art styles
An artistic style that portrays things in a way that would not exist in the real world.

34 $200 Question from art styles
What is abstract art?

35 $200 Answer from art styles
An artistic style that focuses on shapes, lines, textures, forms, etc..

36 $300 Question from art styles
What is expressionism?

37 $300 Answer from art styles
Captures realistic forms, with an aim to distort them. “Painterly”

38 $400 Question from art styles
What is realism?

39 $400 Answer from art styles
An attempt to convey the real world through art.

40 $500 Question from art styles
What is formalism?

41 $500 Answer from art styles
Art that focuses on form and attempts to have no focus on emotion.

42 $100 Question from misc What is sculpture?

43 Art that is created three Dimensionally.
$100 Answer from misc Art that is created three Dimensionally.

44 $200 Question from misc What is a medium?

45 Something you use to create art.
$200 Answer from misc Something you use to create art.

46 What are some examples of mediums?
$300 Question from misc What are some examples of mediums?

47 Paint, clay, ink, charcoal, graphite
$300 Answer from misc Paint, clay, ink, charcoal, graphite

48 $400 Question from misc What is courage?

49 Doing something despite fear
$400 Answer from misc Doing something despite fear

50 $500 Question from misc What is empowerment?

51 Feeling strong and confident.
$500 Answer from misc Feeling strong and confident.

52 Final Jeopardy What does it mean to be a great artist?

53 Final Jeopardy Answer This is open to interpretation.

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