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Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 Walk-In Take out notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda. Copy the question and answer in sentences: What functions do you think your muscles and skeleton have? How do they work together?

2 Answers The muscles give your body the strength to move. The bones of the skeleton give your body support and help to hold it up. Muscle are attached to bones so when you move, your bones support you while your muscles provide strength to move, hold things or do actions.

3 The Muscular System

4 Learning Target The student will know the three kinds of muscle tissue, and the two types of muscles.

5 Set up for Two-Column Notes
Draw a line down your page to make a narrow column on the left and a wider column on the right. Remember, headings from slides go on the left, and notes for that heading go on the right.

6 Muscles Muscles are fibers that have strength and that allow your body to move.

7 Tendons attach muscles to the bones.

8 Voluntary muscles are ones you can control by thinking about it.
Muscle control Voluntary muscles are ones you can control by thinking about it. Involuntary muscles move automatically. We have no control over them. Can you think of examples of each type?

9 Which muscles are you using?
Floor plank exercise Do a full plank, balancing on your elbows and toes, or a half-plank, on your elbows and knees, for one minute! Which muscles are you using?

10 Check for understanding! Show I for involuntary, or V for voluntary.
You lift your arm up. Your heart beats. Your small intestine moves food through it. You wiggle your fingers. Your esophagus does peristalsis. You bend over at the waist. You flex your foot.

11 Three Kinds of Muscles

12 Cardiac muscle is only in the heart. It is involuntary.
Three Kinds of Muscles Cardiac muscle is only in the heart. It is involuntary. Smooth muscles are in organs (like intestines, stomach, etc.). They are mostly involuntary. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones by tendons. They are voluntary.

13 Check for Understanding ACTION: Do hearbeats for CARDIAC, an S for SMOOTH, or stiff arm bones for SKELETAL. Stomach grinds food Arm reaches high A pulse Leg kicks a ball Large intestines move wastes Liver makes bile Blood is pumped Eyes blink during a dust storm Lungs breathe in air Diaphragm moves down when you breathe You do ab crunches to work your stomach You smile at a baby Your heartbeat speeds up before a test The esophagus does peristalsis to move food

14 Practice – use a LEFT SIDE page
Make three labels: CARDIAC, SMOOTH and SKELETAL. Draw one example for cardiac muscle and label it. Draw three examples EACH for SMOOTH muscles and SKELETAL muscles. Label them. Write I if involuntary or V if voluntary.

15 Watch this video clip The Muscular System, in Discovery Education.

16 What is the main difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles?
Wrap-Up What is the main difference between voluntary and involuntary muscles? What are the three kinds of muscles?

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