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Presentation on theme: "HOW DO I USE IN-TEXT CITATIONS?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Let’s try it! I will demonstrate creating a citation using Easy Bib for the “teachers” article. school-teachers.htm When I get the citation, I copy and paste it to my Works Cited page (more details on that next!): "High School Teachers." Bureau of Labor Statistics. N.p., 05 Apr 2012. Web. 5 Nov < training-and-library/high-school-teachers.htm>.

3 What’s an in-text citation (a parenthetical reference)?
The purpose of an in-text citation is to tell readers where you found specific information in your essay. An in-text citation goes in every single sentence in your essay that uses information from a source and points to its specific source in your Works Cited.

4 What is in an in-text citation?
Because the in-text citation is a short cut to an entry in your Works Cited, put whatever is listed first in the citation in the parentheses. Usually, it’s the last name of the author or a shortened version of the title of the source if no author is given. If it’s the title, it gets quotation marks. Information is contained in ( ) parentheses at the end of the sentence before the period. Sentence with a fact here (first part of citation here). If you are using a print source, include the page number. Do not use p. or pg. or #. Just put a space and then the number. (Smith 34)

5 Let’s try it! Below is the information from my source and a couple of sentences from my paper about teachers. First, help me decide what needs cited and what is ok without a citation. Next, help me put in the in-text citation(s). “Seeing students develop new skills and gain an appreciation for knowledge and learning can be very rewarding. However, teaching may be stressful. Some schools have large classes and lack important teaching tools, such as computers and up-to- date textbooks. Most teachers are held accountable for their students’ performance on standardized tests, which can be frustrating. Occasionally, teachers must cope with unmotivated or disrespectful students.” High school teachers interact with students every day in the classroom. While this can be enjoyable, many teachers also find dealing with unmotivated or disrespectful students frustrating. Other frustrating aspects might include technology or standardized testing. However, the job has rewarding aspects too. Teachers can see students learn and grow every day.

6 Let’s try it! Here’s the citation from my Works Cited page:
"High School Teachers." Bureau of Labor Statistics. N.p., 05 Apr 2012. Web. 5 Nov < training-and-library/high-school-teachers.htm>. High school teachers interact with students every day in the classroom. While this can be enjoyable, many teachers also find dealing with unmotivated or disrespectful students frustrating (“High School Teachers”). Other frustrating aspects might include technology or standardized testing (“High School Teachers”). However, the job has rewarding aspects too. Teachers can see students learn and grow every day.

7 In review… An in-text citation is a short cut from a sentence in your paper or project to a citation in your Works Cited. Use an in-text citation EVERY TIME you use information from a source.


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