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Presentation on theme: "Expansion."— Presentation transcript:

1 Expansion

2 Question? Why do you think it is important to learn about expanding, and the explorers? Which people were here first?

3 European Expansion in the World Colonization and Commerce Pg 19& 20

4 Examples England France Portugal Spain

5 Europe 1500’s

6 What is a Nation State? Also known as a country.
When a group of people claim a territory for themselves. That group of people control everything within the boarders of the nation state or country.

7 Why is this important? These 4 Nation States (country’s ) were in constant competition with each other, and all wanted to be the Best. What do you think would make them the best?

8 What would make them the best?
Territory Riches Giant populations Spread of their values and beliefs

9 Expansion If a King wanted his Nation- State( county) to be the best he needed land. With new land came more resources he could turn to riches. Land= Money=Power

10 More Motives Merchants wanted to make more money, and trading with new territories would do this. Were willing to finance exploration voyages to find new resources.

11 Motives cont… Church, wanted to spread their Christian faith.
They felt it was their duty to find lost souls.

12 Motives Cont… Adventurers/Captains, were curious and wanted to become famous by claiming land. People wanted to learn more about the world. Example, see if the world was flat or round.

13 New Technologies The explorers Voyages were made easier by some new innovations. Such as………

14 Caravels Sea worthy?: yes
Use: Trade along coastline, and across the Ocean.

15 Cogs Seaworthy? No, it was slow, heavy and difficult to handle.
Use: Carry cargo

16 Carracks Sea worthy? No, Slow , and hard to handle.
Use: Trade along coastline.

17 Stern Rudder Use: Allowed ships to sail on the open ocean, because it made it easier to steer.

18 Lateen Sails Use: Triangular shaped sails made it possible to sail in the wind.

19 Magnetic Compass Use: Made Navigation easier. Could know the direction ship was going in.

20 Astrolabe Use: confirm ships position and plot their journey.
Helped make more accurate maps.

21 Muskets and Cannons Use: these weapons were used to help protect explorers during voyages.

22 Dangers Shipwrecks Disease No wind Unfriendly Natives

23 Early Explorations Portuguese Where?

24 Early Explorations

25 What did they find? Sugar cane Gold Ivory Spices Slaves

26 Early Explorers Spain Where?......

27 Early Explorers Wanted to go West across the Atlantic.

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