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Solomon Islands 20 - 21 October 2015 Colombo, Sri Lanka.

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Presentation on theme: "Solomon Islands 20 - 21 October 2015 Colombo, Sri Lanka."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solomon Islands October 2015 Colombo, Sri Lanka

2 Biophysical and demographic characteristics
992 islands Total land area – 28,000km2 Total sea area – 1,340,000km2 Total coral reef area – 3,591km2 Total mangrove area – 65,000ha Total seagrass area – 10,000ha 80% of land in the Solomon Islands is under Customary Tenure, and is recognized in the Constitution.

3 Previous Studies Survey for dugong sightings/occurrence in 6 Provinces (2009, dugong Surveys of the SI) North-east Choiseul, Honiara bay, Malaita, Marovo Lagoon Isabel Province Western Province. Previous Studies – Womersley & Bailey – identify 7 species – SI Rapid Ecological Assessments (Mckenzie et al.2006) 10 spp. confirmed (80% known species in region) Largest seagrass meadow found in Malaita Province (>1000ha) Declining population of dugongs (comparing past to present) – observations/perspective studies carried out in Pressures include: local harvesting for food;/sell for income; loss of sea grass & important habitats cf. pollution/sedimentation; incidental/hunt kills. (Deborah Bass, 2009 “Dugong Survey of the Solomon Islands”, Conservation International) 3

4 Dugong information In some places in the Solomons, dugongs are revered as tribal totems, and have cultural stories attached to them. As such, they are not eaten. In most places, they are not actively hunted, rather, they are taken opportunistically

5 Seagrass information No broad scale mapping of seagrass with ground truthing has been conducted in the Solomon Islands. The last rapid ecological survey was conducted in 2004 Seagrass distribution in the Solomon Islands is estimated to be 66.3 ±14.5km2. This makes 6% of seagrass estimated in the Melanesian region 10 species identified in the SIREA (2004) Largest seagrass meadow found in Malaita Province (>1000ha)

6 Issues Blue Carbon- Seagrass Bio-research, Spatial mapping
Centralized Database (Inform Project) Community management plans for dugongs & seagrass Enforcement in national, provincial & community level Education & Awareness Policy Ecosystem Services Valuation

7 Tagio Tumas


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