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Flood Protection Structures

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1 Flood Protection Structures
Samantha R. Blair Preston High School Abstract Project Description Assessment of Project The students were graded using a rubric, the criteria were: Background Information  This includes information about what floods are, how they happen, and information about WV floods. Research on Three Flood Protection Methods  This includes the pros, cons, and expenses of each. Research on One Specific Flood Protection Method  This includes the effects on the environment, people, and the economy. Innovative Solutions  This includes the identification of a problem and the suggestion of a possible solution. Bibliography  The students were required to have at least seven sources cited in APA format. Grammar and Spelling Visuals  The students were required to have at least six relevant visuals that could be images, charts, graphs, videos, etc. Project Appearance This engineering design project was conducted as part of a larger problem based learning unit in which the students were required to conduct research on floods and flood protection methods. Then the students were required to use the engineering design process to evaluate one flood protection method in depth, identify a problem with the design and then propose a solution to improve the design. The final product was a Sway presentation. The students were last asked to build either a physical model or a digital model of their specific flood protection method in Minecraft Education Edition. Around the world natural disasters happen every day, but what about in West Virginia? Here in West Virginia one of the most common natural disasters that people face once if not many times in their life, are floods. Floods are incredibly destructive and can not only damage property, but also claim lives. Your challenge is to research floods in West Virginia and then conduct further research on a flood protection structure from the provided list. From this research you will propose potential improvements to the current design and build a 3D model of it. You will learn about floods and these flood protection structures used to minimize their impact through labs, lessons, and online research. You will work in pairs or individually to research one of the following flood protection methods (Dams, Diversion Canals, Levees, House Modifications, other Flood Protection Devices (i.e. Water-Gate, FloodBlock, Aquobex, etc.)). The final project will be a Sway presentation (you can present in front of the class for bonus points) including a 3D model constructed in Minecraft Education Edition. WV NxGen Standards purpose HS-ESS2- 5 Plan and conduct an investigation of the properties of water and its effects on Earth materials and surface processes. HS-ESS2-6 Develop a quantitative model to describe the cycling of carbon among the hydrosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and biosphere. HS-ESS3-1 Construct an explanation based on evidence for how the availability of natural resources, occurrence of natural hazards, and changes in climate have influenced human activity. S.HS.ETS.3 evaluate a solution to a complex real-world problem based on prioritized criteria and trade-offs that account for a range of constraints, including cost, safety, reliability, and aesthetics, as well as possible social, cultural, and environmental impacts. Engineering Design Products Here are some images from a student’s sway presentation and her Minecraft Education Edition model she built. I included excerpts that she wrote about West Virginia floods and a bit about two flood protection methods she researched. Project Timeline 45 minute period; MTWRF Day 1 – The students took a preassessment to test content knowledge for rivers and flood, the engineering design process, and a student attitude survey. Day 2 – The students were given the rubric and the expectations for the project were detailed. Day 3 – This day the students engaged in direct instruction and guided practice on the water cycle. Day 4 – This day the students engaged in direct instruction and guided practice on water sheds. Day 5 – The students were introduced to the basics of how to use Sway and then were given time to conduct background research on floods (What are floods?, How do floods happen?, and West Virginia floods). Day 6 – The students were introduce to how to write a bibliography in APA format and then were given time to work on their project focusing on researching at least three different flood protection methods (pros, cons, and expense for each). Day 7 – This day the student performed a soil lab and participated in direct instruction about soil. Day 8 – The students were given direct instruction on the engineering design process and it was framed in the context of their project. The students were then given time to work on their projects focusing on one specific flood protection that they did not previously cover (Effects on the environment, people, and the economy). Day 9 – This day the students engaged in direction instruction and hands on activities about weathering and erosion. Day 10 – The students continued work on their projects focusing on finding a problem in the design of their specific flood protection structure and proposing a solution. Day 11 – The students worked on their models (physical/digital). Day 12 – The students took a post assessment identical to the preassessment. Evaluate/Reflect Overall I feel that this project went really well. The students on average showed marked improvements from preassessment to post assessment for both the floods and rivers test and the engineering design quiz. The students also demonstrated improvements in time on task as well as considerable improvement in their engagement. The student actually wanted to work on this project and demonstrated pride in their work. Issues that could be addressed to improve this unit for next time include including back up plans for when the technology backfires and perhaps reorganizing the material addressed in the direct instruction. I feel that these changes will help decrease the frustration that my students and I felt during computer issues as well as make the presentation of information make more sense. Acknowledgements Thank you to my amazingly patient students who endured through the technology problems and Mr. Bailey for helping with the technology trouble as them came up. Thank you to Deb Hemler, Sean Harwell, and the ESS Passport Cohort 2 for the support and fantastic opportunity.

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