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One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

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Presentation on theme: "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"— Presentation transcript:

1 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
9A3C0014楊錦鳳 9A3C0024王虹雯 9A3C0037張惠禎

2 Reason Alluding to the iron-fisted policies of the socialist countries. The most famous of the late 1970s Art Film Academy Award winners. The film was the second to win all five major Academy Awards.

3 Introduction-Cast Will Sampson Jack Nicholson as Chief as Randle
Louise Fletcher as Nurse Ratched

4 Introduction-Plot

5 Introduction-Plot

6 Vocab. & Phrases Lobotomy 腦額葉切除術 Electroshock therapy 電休克療法
EX: He received a lobotomy, rendering him silent and motionless. 他接受了腦額葉切除術,使他寂靜紋絲不動。 Electroshock therapy 電休克療法 EX: You can avoid electroshock therapy by admitting you are wrong. 你可以認錯以避免電休克療法。

7 Movie Trailers

8 Conclusion "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" is very well written and described in intense detail. In metaphor the social institution of American. Full of strong anti-establishment and promote personal freedom mean.

9 Bonus Question(s) Q1. At the last, why did Chief dispatch Randle? A: Chief believes Randle's spirit has been destroyed and that he is freeing him from imprisonment. Q2. What is Nurse Ratched's attitude towards the psychotic? Have you felt her out? A: Nurse Ratched desires order, and she wants complete power, so she manipulates her patients and the staff to fulfill her desires.

10 ✿ Thank you for your attention.

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