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Class Biz! Class Info.... Year 5/6 Welcome.... Other Biz....

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1 Class Biz! Class Info.... Year 5/6 Welcome.... Other Biz....
Reading: We will be learning to read by having Guided Reading sessions weekly. We can change our individual books when we have finished them, even though our teacher may not hear us read them. Bring them daily just in case. CAPER: We can change these in our class libraries weekly. Come to our class meetings where reading will be explained in more detail. Games: Mondays ( Outdoor kits) PE: Friday ( Indoor kit) Music is on Wednesdays We start school at 8.50 am. Year 5/6 Welcome.... Welcome back after a busy holiday. We are all settling into our new classroom. This year we are a mixed year 5 and 6 class and have a busy year to look forward to! Miss Wasaall …. Other Biz.... What's Going On.... Well, we have a very busy term ahead of us!! To start off we have a class meeting on Wednesday the 14th of September at 5 pm. Margam Park Sept 19th All day. Class Meeting 13th and 14th Sept. Divali Day: November 3rd Gardening Day: October 14th Pirate Day: October 21st Design Technology Day: October 7th Techniquest TBA In our class we have a pet hamster called Harry. We will all take it in turns to care for him. If anybody would like to look after Harry over the weekend or during a holiday please let me know! Harry loves to watch TV and I’m told the X Factor and the cube are his favourites!! Water bottles are for sale at £1.20 and available from the office. All after school clubs will start back Monday 19th of September.

2 My Learning in the Core Subjects....
This term in English we will be writing recounts, poetry and instructions. In story telling we will be learning the story “The Canal”, and then creating our own stories. I can’t wait!! Our maths work this term will look at place value, addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, fractions, co-ordinates, 2D shape, and capacity. Science will all be about investigating properties of materials, dissolving and reversible and irreversible changes. Lots of experiments ahead!! Our Theme.... Shipwrecked!!!! My Learning in otherSubjects.... We will be exploring the country of Jamaica. During our geography topic we will be comparing Jamaica with Margam. In art we will be investigating a Jamaican artist and creating 3D models of pirate ships. We will also be practising our word processing skills and creating presentations related to our topic in ICT. Our D&T topic is cooking Jamaican food! In R.E we will exploring harvest around the world, Judaism and Christmas customs around the world. In history we will research famous pirates and ship wrecks!! In P.E we will be having games, gym and dance. During our welsh lessons we will be learning the patterns: Es i… plus endings, Gwelais i.... plus endings, Ces i.... plus endings,Faint oʼr gloch, oʼr gloch, Hanner wedi, Chwarter wedi, Chwarter i ,Beth wyt tiʼn hoffi? Gwylio, Fwyta, Yfed, Chwarae. Things I can do at home... Websites to help me... Reading your individual reading books and practising your 4,6,7,8,9 times tables. You can also research and collect items for our topic. Some useful websites: (material s), ion/jewish.htm (Judasim), (cooking), (pirates), ,

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