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Honors Biology 2018-2019.

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Presentation on theme: "Honors Biology 2018-2019."— Presentation transcript:

1 Honors Biology

2 This year...

3 The year will be separated into 9 units as follows:
Lab Safety Macromolecules of Life Matter and Energy Transformations in Ecosystems Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems human Activity and Climate Human Activity and Biodiversity Cell specialization and Homeostasis DNA and Inheritance Natural Selection and Evolution

4 Grading Policy

5 Classwork/Homework/Notebook - 20%
Labs/Projects - 30% Quizzes - 20% May be announced or unannounced Tests - 30% Will always be announced

6 Late Work and Academic Integrity

7 Late Work Most assignments will be accepted late
Assignments checked for completeness that we then go over will not Late assignments will be penalized 10% of the total points for everyday late

Homework/classwork that is plagiarized will receive a ZERO Major assignments that are plagiarized Science supervisor contacted Parents contacted If first offense (in all classes) make up assignment will be given for maximum 70% If second offense no alternate assignment will be given; max grade zero

9 Required Materials

10 Composition notebook Pencils/Pens These will be needed every single day that we meet Textbooks will be distributed and are to be LEFT AT HOME as a resource

11 Interactive Notebooks

12 This year we will be compiling interactive notebooks as a way to:
Help you engage more with the information Stay organized throughout the year Study key materials Go deeper into topics that we cover Interactive notebooks are a resource and learning tool that can help you be successful in this class if you put in your best effort

13 INB Setup Page 1: Table of Contents - filled in as we complete assignments Page 2: Course Syllabus Page 3: INB Guidelines and Rubric Page 4: Student Goals sheet Page 5: Unit 1 Title Page

14 INB Set up Left Side (Even)- Student learning Answers to questions
Summary of notes/articles/videos Concept maps Definitions Cartoons Practice problems Warm ups Homework Lab Conclusions Reflections Right Side (Odd)- Teacher Given Information Lecture Notes Video notes Worksheets Samples problems - done together Lab directions Informational Texts Foldables

15 Contact Information Course information can be found on my webpage through the OHS website!

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