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Choosing the Security Model:

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1 Choosing the Security Model:
Linking eIDAS Electronic Registered Delivery Services and CEF eDelivery CEF eDelivery Infrastructure Day, Breakout Session C Brussels, November 2016 Jörg Apitzsch, Governikus KG, DE

2 (Q)ERDS eIDAS Requirements
REQ1: Integrity messages should be secured against any illegitimate manipulation during transmission REQ2: Confidentiality messages should be encrypted during transmission REQ3: Sender Identification should be verified with a high level of confidence REQ4: Addressee Identification should be ensured before the delivery of the message 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

3 (Q)ERDS eIDAS Requirements cont.
REQ5: Time-Reference Time instant of sending/receiving a message should be indicated by a qualified time stamp REQ6: Proof of Send/Receive Sender and receiver of the message should be provided with evidence of message sending and receiving 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

4 Trust Usually is established by means to enable trust in security tokens used to authenticate (seal) messages or parts thereof Whole message; ensures integrity, too (REQ1) Statement about sender’s (user of C1) identity (REQ3) Transport evidences and time instants, e.g. for submission, delivery… (REQ5, REQ6) Certificates used should conform to relevant ETSI ENs Different Trust Models have been considered by e-SENS, selection to be done according Application Domain needs 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

5 4-Corner Trust & Security
Party A Party B C1 CORNER End-to-end Security C4 ORIGINAL SENDER Inner Security Inner Security FINAL RECIPIENT Applications Layer SUBMIT Backend Backend DELIVER 1 or several NOTIFY NOTIFY 1 or several AS4 ERDS ERDS C2 C3 CORNER Cross-party Security Messaging and Transport Layer Connector Access Point SEND RECEIVE Access Point Connector ACKNOWLEDGE Networking Layer: Internet Options to enable Trust: (may be combined) Trusted PKI Mutual Key Exchange Service Metadata Publisher Service Metadata Publisher Trusted List 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

6 Linking Trust Domains: Direct Brokered Trust
Connector C2 C3 Connector C4 WS-Sec TD A domestic means TLS (?) TD B domestic means AP / SMP AP / SMP Trust Domain A Cross TD Trust Domain B AP’s act in TD Broker Role Connected domestic domains use various established means C4 <-> C1 Trust just generally given by community agreement / contract TD A/B rely on their AP (respective it’s connector) brokerage functionality 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

7 Direct Trust – Mutual Key Exchange
Mutual Key Exchange respective domain Trusted Key  Store May cover all active corners in the network Widely used simple mechanism of the Direct Trust Model Advantage: Free choice of PKI for all actors, as far as CAs and issued certificates conformant to ETSI ENs Piloting Domains: e-Justice and eConfirmation Disadvantages: Restricted Scalability It may not be possible, to actor’s role/service type from his certificate 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

8 Trust Model: Community PKI
Piloting Domain: eTendering Hierarchical Community PKI covers AP/SMP (PTN, CEF PKI Service) CR to OpenPEPPOL to extend scope to C1/C4 for good reasons was not accepted 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

9 Challenge: C1 <-> C4 Authentication
Documents / payload exchanged shall be sealed by the generating & sending service using an advanced digital seal applied on an ASiC-E Manifest respective on evidence DeliveryNonDeliveryToRecipient “Corners” sealing are systems, not “Participants” Related Business Requirements address authentication Receiving / consuming party must be able to validate authentication - means to establish trust in the certificate used for sealing 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

10 Trust Brokerage using STS / SAML
Issued SAML Token vouches for C1/C4 Already foreseen by PEPPOL But never implemented/used But: SAML according eIDAS eID would be an option for REQ3, Sender Identification 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

11 Trust Federation using Trusted Lists
Established Model for CA Type of Trust Services (at least for issuers of qualified certificates) eIDAS Recital (46): “Trusted lists are essential elements in the building of trust among market operators as they indicate the qualified status of the service provider at the time of supervision.” TL entry depicts (among other details): ../DigitalIdentity: Certificates used (enc, sig/seal) Essentially is the trust anchor to validate presented certificates TSPs able to use issuing CA of their choice, nat. regulation may apply 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

12 Trusted List in e-SENS TSL specification itself not only addresses qTSP/qTS according eIDAS Domains may set up and maintain own TL Actually used or in set up by Domains eHealth, eTendering and Business Lifecycle Domain TLs since years in use by e.g. European Banking Sector, German eHealth “gematik” 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

13 Special Case: Interconnecting existing ERDS by CEF eDelivery
Application Domain: General purpose ERDS established in piloting countries are used for cross-border processes and procedures of Business Lifecycle use cases Pilot developed in view of Art. 44 of eIDAS Main key is enabling for legal value (solutions aim to qualify as Q(ualified)ERDS) Recital (22): In order to contribute to their general cross-border use, it should be possible to use trust services as evidence in legal proceedings in all Member States. Participating Countries: FR, DE, AT, GR, SI 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

14 Project funded under CEF Telecom Call 2015-1
Take-up: Connecting Europe Facility NOBLE (NO Barriers in edeLivEry) Project funded under CEF Telecom Call 10 beneficiaries from DE, FR, GR, SI Timespan October 2016 – September 2017 Productive setup of 7 APs and SMPs thereof 6 APs to interconnect ERDS of above countries initial usage for data exchange in Business Lifecycle procedures, but not bound to these use cases 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

15 WP5.4 eDelivery landscape – on it‘s way to NOBLE
(initially already was connected to WP5.4 PoC AP AP AP AP AP Lettre recommandée en ligne Slovenska Centralna rešitev za e-Vročanje National solutions per ERDS Realm use adapters to connect to APs 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment 15

16 ERDS in 4-Corner Model Not covered by CEF yet Domestic means Domestic
ORIGINAL SENDER Ultimate Recipient C1 CORNER End-to-end Trust/Security C4 Trust Domein A, Inner Security Inner Security Trust Domain B, uses uses Now: C1,C2,C3,C4 (q)ERDS in Trust List Domestic ERDS Messaging/ Transport Layer SUBMIT ERDS Realm MS A ERDS Realm MS B DELIVER 1 or several NOTIFY NOTIFY 1 or several Domestic means Domestic means C2 C3 CORNER Cross-AP Trust/Security AS4 CEF eDelivery Messaging and Transport Layer Adapter/ Connector Access Point SEND RECEIVE Access Point Adapter/ Connector ACKNOWLEDGE Networking Layer: Internet E.g. given by Community PKI like PTN 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

17 eIDAS on TS, (q)ERDS Art gives a general definition of scope and duties Art defines the requirements for qualified ERDS Important: If “data being transferred between two or more qualified trust service providers” applies for all TS involved – means QERDS and APs in the 4-Corner Model Trust Service Provider for QERDS and APs may be separate entities If all seen as QERDS type of TS, requirements must be fulfilled by each TS involved, at least fulfilment must be ensured over the whole 4-Corner delivery chain in a trustworthy manner 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

18 TL Governance and Operational Setup
Actually set up as (single instance) Domain TL Migration of TL set up for ERDS used in Business Lifecyle to official MS TLs expected Governance defined by EC / national law on QTS Possible Options for Domain TLs: Bilateral contracts between Member States or service providers Network of service providers: Governance defined by service providers in cooperation with national supervisory bodies ETSI ESI is working standards for trust service status lists providers, including policy & security requirements 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

19 Open points tbd Authors questions: Should we include some of the issues of the “AT-CZ-DE-FR-IT non-paper on electronic registered delivery services (ERDS)” in the presentation? Alignment still needed with CEF eDelivery BB Security Controls and Recommendations 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

20 Thank you for your attention!
Jörg Apitzsch, 19/11/2016 CEF eDelivery and ERDS, Trust Establishment

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