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How to Fish for and Catch Your Limit of Target Companies

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1 How to Fish for and Catch Your Limit of Target Companies
By Tom Jackson Sale Fish Marketing ( )

2 Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. - Sun Tzu

3 The Quest Need a Plan (aka Strategy & Tactics)! Targeted Account List Plan Research Plan Networking Plan

4 Defining your Target Companies
- In DFW or the Nation

5 The 30-60-90 Day Plan Do not boil the ocean
Do set priorities, keep score Do not confuse activities with productivity Do not repeat what is not working Do keep positive Do say thank you – when they so no Do follow up

6 Texas Fortune 500 & 1000 Texas Continues to Rank at the Top of the Fortune 500 & 1000. Texas is #1 in Fortune 500 and 1000 Fortune 500: 57 Companies Fortune 1000: 109 Companies

7 Texas Best State for Jobs
Texas continues to be the best state with best cities to find a job. Virtually all Top-10 List of best cites is dominated by Texas (4+ of 10) This is why other regions are having such a tough time.

8 DFW Fortune 500 DFW is the largest “home” for Fortune 500 Companies
(…..well second to Houston by 1 company as of 2010)

9 DFW has a very diverse corporate landscape.
DFW Market By Industries DFW has a very diverse corporate landscape. Providing opportunities for virtually all professions

10 DFW Market Landscape – by the Numbers
98.7% of Firms 68% of Payroll

11 Target your Industry – ie Telecom in DFW
Ex: Telecommunications DFW The large number of DFW Fortune 500 Companies has spawned an even greater number of Small and Medium Businesses. These SMB offer an even wider range of employment opportunities in a greater number of market segments. - >500 employees there are 62 Firms <500 employees there are 664 Firms (I like these odds) Excellent source that breaks out each NAICS by employment growth

12 Small-Medium Businesses
The estimated 27.2 million small businesses in the United States: Employ about half of the country’s private sector workforce Hire 40 percent of high tech workers, scientists, engineers and computer workers Include 52 percent home-based businesses and two percent franchises Represent 97.3 percent of all the exporters of goods Represent 98 percent of all employer firms  Have generated 60 to 80 percent of net new jobs annually over the last decade. Generate a majority of the innovations that come from United States companies. Larger percent of under 25 and over 55 years old workers than large companies. Small-Medium Businesses Small business < 500 emp. Medium business >500+ emp 98+% of US Businesses are Small/Medium Business Source: US SBA, NSBA.BIZ

13 Finding Targeted Companies - Small and Large

14 Reference USA Reference USA is a database of over 14 million US companies, both private and public. It is FREE TO YOU through MOST state libraries. Keep in mind: Company participation in the database is varies by state, in Texas you must participate when creating a business. Some companies will be listed but not have their revenues posted Some companies will have only their corporate office/location listed but not all subsidiaries – others will have every local sales office Typical download is ~25 companies at a time to a spreadsheet. For purposes of finding companies by Industry, there are no major differences in SIC and NAICS codes (NAICS are update SIC codes) US Census Dept. maintains the data that is the database for RefUSA Reference USA uses additional sources to update, add and maintain

15 Targeted Accounts How Many are Too Many???? Two or Three HUNDRED!
Focused and Targeted Companies One? or Two or Three?

16 Targeted Accounts Either Reference USA or Dun&Bradstreet is an excellent resource. FREE Typically FREE Through Outplacement Find a local library that allows you remote on-line access to the databases. You only need a Texas Drivers license to get a card – do not need to live in the town where the library is located.

17 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start
Go to the Library Home Page Click on Reference USA The Library Reference USA link will take you to Reference USA where you can now logon using your Library card number/password

18 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start
Start your search here You are looking for a list of companies. Now what??

19 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start
Type former Employer’s Name The fastest way to find Focused/Targeted Companies is a Reverse Search. Enter the Company name you are interested in getting more information on.

20 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start
Select your company’s name from list. You may see the name listed more than once. You typically want to select the main office location to get the greatest amount of information.

21 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start
With your employer’s NAICS / SIC code number(s). Your can now enter these number(s) to get a list of ALL companies in that industry subset – this includes competitors!! Note: If more than one code, pick that one that it closest to your skills SIC NAICS

22 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start
1 2 4 3 Go back main menu: Click on Custom Search Click on Business Type Click on Keyword/SIC/NAICS Click on Search All NAICS Enter NAICS code 5

23 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start
Click on View Results to see a complete listing of Targeted Companies. Now you can go back and use the various filters to size the listing to something more managable.

24 Targeted Accounts Filters: Geography
By Adding the Geography Filter (DFW). The list went from 17,735 to 406.

25 Targeted Accounts Filters: Business Size
By Adding the Company Size ( ). The list went from 406 to 3. Note: Can have multiple filters

26 ReferenceUSA will work for any Industry

27 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start

28 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start - RETAIL
Some companies have numerous office, divisions, subsidiaries, etc. These are typically captured by the CORP TREE icon

29 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start - RETAIL
Public Company Subsidiary Company Branch The Corp Tree usually provides a complete list of every location.

30 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start - RETAIL
The other option is to select a major office or the corporate office.

31 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start - RETAIL
When you select a specific company, you will get a company bio. On the company bio is the Industry Profile with SIC(s) and NAICS(s) codes. Choose the code(s) that best suit you.

32 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start - HEALTHCARE
This methodology works for any company, industry or size.

33 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start

34 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start

35 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start

36 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start - NON PROFITS
Reference USA also is a source for non-profits

37 Targeted Accounts – Quick Start

38 Reference USA – Key Word Search
Main Custom Search Page When doing a search make sure to click on ‘Update Count’ to see how many total companies are being returned. There are 9 parameter to filter/search by. By using any number of these filters you can narrow your results to a targeted focused group.

39 ReferenceUSA Download Report Detail
Note: SIC/NAICS field go to 26 listings, EXECUTIVES information goes out to 50, PUBLIC FILINGS go out to 26

40 ReferenceUSA – Downloading a Report
From the Search Results page click Download Select Excel Select Detailed Summary report is very basic - Custom report lets you select the info you want

41 Level 2 (20 base industries) (competitors & suppliers)
How to use the NAICS Hierarchy Filters (region, industry, sub-industry, revenues, public, private, etc) All Industries All Companies All States (14+million of companies) Your Industries Your Companies Your Locations (10,100,? companies) Level 2 (20 base industries) Level 4 (Sub-Industries) Level 5 (competitors & suppliers) Level 6 (competitors) Level 3 4-Digit Codes 5-Digit Codes 6-Digit Codes Business Type

42 Ref USA for Market Research

43 Reference USA – Market Research
Need to know if Ft Worth or Dallas has more small IT Comm. Companies. Avaya is my “identifier” Filter on City and Business Size

44 Reference USA – Market Research
<$1MM <$100MM With the SIC code in place for Avaya type businesses, Ft Worth selected as the City. Start selecting the Revenue ranges one at a time. Each time click on the <Update Count> button. Write down the Revenue Range and Count for each Revenue range you select. Repeat for Dallas.

45 Reference USA for Market Research
Revenue Range Ft. Worth Dallas <$1MM 1 5 <$2.5MM 3 8 <$5MM 4 <$10MM <$20MM <$50MM <$100MM Using the Filter Page a table of Revenue by City for IT Communication Companies can quickly be created. It only takes a few more ‘clicks’ when collecting this data to capture the names and addresses of the companies counted in the table.

46 Reference USA – Market Research
Graphical Representation of the market differences between two cities

47 Online Searches and News Feeds
- Defining who you are and what you do

48 Company Information Sources
Recruiting Uses Top 3 LinkedIn Facebook Twitter What For Promote brand Publish jobs $0 Advertise jobs Referrals Research candidates Direct sourcing

49 Social Media Facebook: >850 Million users - 50% of users log in daily - If Facebook were a country – would be 3rd largest - People spend 500 Billion minutes per month on Facebook Twitter: >200 Million users - Adding 300K users per day - >75% of Twitter traffic comes from external sites - >600 Million search request per day LinkedIn: >150 Million users - 60% High Income users, $100K + - Incomes of $200K to $300K are 7X more likely to have over 150 connections - Traffic Up 323% in one year

50 Social Media for Company Research
LinkedIn: Great to find connections or introductions into companies. Don’t forget GROUPS & FOLLOW COMPANIES. Google-Alerts: Define your search terms and get a daily digest of activity RSS Feeds: Great way to keep in touch with current events (great way to start Tweeting by Re-tweeting) Fan Page: Fastest growing element with in Facebook. These are ‘Profiles’ for Business Twitter: Twitter job aggregators and Twitter Alerts, two great tools

51 InSideView OneSource D&B Hoovers Pay For Research Sites
These sites will provide more current information and have addresses.

52 Network, Network, Network
- Network some more

53 - Social Networking for Jobs 1H 2011
Digital Networking - Social Networking for Jobs 1H 2011 89% Companies use Social Media 12.2% Increase since 2009

54 - Social Networking for Jobs 1H 2011
Digital Networking - Social Networking for Jobs 1H 2011 LinkedIn is a Professional Networking site Watch what you are doing on your “Personal” sites Start cleaning things up now

55 - Social Networking for Jobs 1H11
Digital Networking - Social Networking for Jobs 1H11 Over 63% of companies have hired from Social Media (58% in 2010) LinkedIn is the #1 site for sourcing Pay attention to the other sites, they can be used for back ground checks

56 - Social Networking for Jobs 1H 2011
Digital Networking - Social Networking for Jobs 1H 2011 Social Media is just one of the tools to use Personal relationships matter most

57 Networking Digital Analog working

58 Networking Where the Opportunities Are
Networking (meeting people) remains the best way to find a job Networking meetings are a great way to meet people and learn skills Networking calls/coffees are the only way to really “know” people IMPORTANT have your agenda and ask how you can help

59 Why is Networking so Powerful?
70% to 90% of all jobs are not posted - This excludes Job Boards and Job Fairs (hint: over half of these are from social networking sites) 90%+ are found through what type of networking? - Asking friends, neighbors, family: 33% - Knocking on company doors: 47% - Calling companies: 69% - Hunting in packs (Accountability Group): 84% Do the math… 90% of Jobs not posted, 90% of Jobs found through Networking

60 What is your Networking Strategy? Before you meet:
Read LinkedIn Profile What do you need/want to get out of meeting Marketing Plan with Targeted Companies When you meet: Marketing Plan with Targeted Companies “How Can I Help You” If they have a contact ask: Can you contact Mr./Mrs.“ ” for me? After you meet: -Follow Up

61 Networking – Accountability Group
Find people that do what you do…and do it together

Tom Jackson Click on this link to go to the DOWNLOAD page ****All I ask in return is that you “Link-In” to me****

63 Questions By Tom Jackson Sale Fish Marketing 972.740.7367

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