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Need for a strong Commission for healthcare

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1 Need for a strong Commission for healthcare
Dr Bernard Maillet CPME Vice-President and Chair of the eHealth WG FEMS conference Inequalities in doctors working conditions Brussels, 21 September 2018

2 CPME is composed of the most-representative National Medical Associations of 28 countries in Europe. We work closely with the National Medical Associations of countries that have applied for EU membership and those in the wider European region, as well as specialised European medical organisations. We are committed to contributing the medical profession’s point of view to EU institutions and European policy-making through pro-active cooperation on a wide range of health and healthcare related issues.

3 Doctors in Europe offer medicine which corresponds to the highest quality standards and is accessible to all who need it all over Europe. Doctors in Europe enjoy good working conditions; their financial condition allows them to practice good medicine and their well-being is upheld. Doctors in Europe can practice free from undue interference of administration, economy or insurances.




7 Why is there cause for concern?
Attempt to move the portfolio of pharmaceuticals and medical devices from DG SANTE to DG GROW in 2014 Current trends of applying a logic from industrial and commercial policy to healthcare services, e.g. standardisation of health services  Loss of health policy expertise and point of view, replaced by economic agendas

8 Why is there cause for concern?
Closing valuable platforms for exchange of expertise in DG SANTE, such as the Patient Safety and Quality of Care Working Group, EU Expert Group on European Health Workforce Non-renewal of successful policies, such as EU Alcohol Strategy  Loss of structures for health policy discussions and exclusion of stakeholders from processes

9 Why is there cause for concern?
2017 White Paper on Future of Europe explicitly mentions public health as an area for potentially reducing EU-level action in preferred ‘Doing less more efficiently’ option for EU agenda setting No mention of health in 2018 ‘State of the Union’ address by Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker  Loss of high-level political support for EU public health policy?



12 Commission proposal for the next EU budget
In May 2018, the Commission released its proposal for the next EU Budget (MFF ) It does not contain a dedicated Health Programme but allocates health under the chapter ‘investing in people, social cohesion and European values’ Other financial instruments are also expected to have a health component, especially the ones on digitalisation (Digital Europe) and research (Horizon Europe).

13 Commission proposal for the next EU budget

14 Health in the next EU budget
The main funding instrument for health policies will therefore be the European Social Fund + (ESF+) programme. It specifically includes € 413 million for the Health strand (which means a 8% decrease in comparison with the current Health programme) The health strand will focus on: EU health legislation, cross-border health threats, health systems and the sharing of expertise


16 What is the CPME assessment of the proposal?
No specific financing tool for EU health initiatives but included under the European Social Fund + programme; Acknowledged as a positive first step which recognises health as a way of investing in people

17 What is the CPME assessment of the proposal?
A proper allocation of financial resources for health topics needs to be guaranteed Proposed flexibility for the reallocation of resources must not affect the total amount allocated for health Policy governance needs to be clarified (incl. DG SANTE’s full responsibility for the implementation of EU health policies)

18 Conclusion Need for continued advocacy for EU health policy by European doctors Encourage Member States to support future investment in health in negotiations on EU budget Political commitment to defend health in EU policies  CPME calls for a strong Commission for health

19 Thank you for your attention
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