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Cardiovascular System Chapter 11

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1 Cardiovascular System Chapter 11

2 Function Of The Cardio-vascular System
Transports nutrients, oxygen & waste Distributes hormones & antibodies Helps regulate body temp

3 The Heart Continued… Two-sided, double pump Weighs less than a pound
Slightly bigger than a fist Located between the lungs Positioned partially to the left of the sternum

4 Function Of The Heart… Pumps blood…..

5 Internal Structures Of The Heart
Atria Top two chambers Blood enters the heart Ventricles Lower two chambers Blood leaves the heart Septum Divides the right and left sides of the heart Valves Prevent the backflow of blood Tricuspid, pulmonic, mitral, and aortic

6 Internal Structures of the Heart

7 Flow Of Blood Through Heart

8 Games

9 Coronary Circulation

10 Layers of the Heart

11 Layers of the Heart Pericardium Epicardium Myocardium
Sac that surrounds the heart provides lubrication between the heart and surrounding structures to prevent tissue damage Epicardium Outer layer on the heart Myocardium The thickest layer, consisting of muscle tissue Endocardium Smooth layer of cells lining the inside of the heart and forming the valves

12 Post Dissection Questions…
Please answer the following questions in full sentences. Each person must have their own paper due at the end of the period… Why is it important to use sterile gloves and PPE during a surgical procedure? (3 pts) Describe the flow of blood through the heart include the passage through all vessels, cavities and valves (10Pts)

13 Disorders Of The CV System
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) A general term for the combined effects of atherosclerosis, or other disease of the coronary arteries… MI (Myocardial Infarction) also known as a heart attack caused by cardiovascular disease…

14 Disorders (Continued)
Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) The heart is unable to pump efficiently due to damage….Fluid backs up… Causes: MI,infection, valve disease, kidney disease, diabetes, or heart defects present at birth

15 Disorders of the Cardiovascular System
Atherosclerosis (Plaque) A narrowing of blood vessels caused by deposits of fatty material containing calcium and cholesterol Arrhythmia A disturbance of the heart’s rhythm caused by a defect in the heart’s pacemaker cells or by damage to heart tissue

16 Assessment Techniques
Measuring pulse and blood pressure Listening to heart sounds Determining cardiac output Measuring electrical activity with electrocardiography Inserting a cardiac catheter Using echocardiography

17 Heart contracts and relaxes in a rhythmic cycle. Systole = contraction
Diastole = relaxation Heart rate = the number of contractions per minute Copyright © 2014 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

18 Pulse With each heartbeat, blood surges against the walls of the arteries. This surge causes a pulse that can be palpated

19 Heart Sounds “Lub Dub” is the classic sound that should be audible.
These sounds are heard due to the opening/closing of the valves Stethoscope is used to auscultate the sounds

SR Aortic Stenosis Mixed Sounds

21 Assessment Techniques
Cardiac catheterization Used to measure pressure in the chambers of the heart, and view obstructions in the coronary arteries A tube is inserted through the femoral artery Dye is then released and traced using x-ray

22 Cardiac Catheterization

23 Tests… Echocardiogram
Uses sound waves to visualize the heart structures

24 Myocardial contractions are stimulated by electrical impulses.
Electrical conduction system: Sinoatrial (SA) node – pacemaker of the heart Atrioventricular (AV) node Bundle of His Purkinje fibers

25 Hearts Electrical System
Myocardial contractions are stimulated by electrical impulse from the hearts conduction system Electrical conduction system: Sinoatrial (SA) node – pacemaker of the heart Atrioventricular (AV) node Bundle of His Purkinje fibers


27 EKG Electrocardiogram Measures the electrical activity of the heart. Electrical signals displayed as waveforms. Waveforms represent different parts of the cardiac cycle. Normal sinus rhythm is one cardiac cycle.

28 Normal EKG

29 file:///C:/Users/seckelbarger/Google%20Drive/A-Medical%20I%20Share/Ch

30 Electrocardiogram (EKG)
Electrocardiogram-(ECG-EKG) Measures electrical currents in the heart 3 to 12 leads or more are attached to the person being treated

31 When should an EKG be performed?
Unexplained chest pain suggestive of coronary artery disease. Palpitations or irregular heartbeat Abnormal heart sounds heard Symptoms, such as shortness of breath, dizziness, or fainting.

32 12-Lead vs 5-Lead EKG

33 Issues and Innovations
Heart replacement and transplants First heart replacement Approximately 2,300 heart transplants each year in the United States

34 Issues and Innovations
2005 FDA approved use of a total artificial heart Used in patients with irreversible failure of the ventricles More than 3,000 people are on a waiting list for a heart transplant

35 AbioCor Heart

36 Artificial Heart

37 Blood Vessels Arteries Carry blood away from the heart
Have high pressure High O2 and nutrients Veins Carry blood back to the heart High in CO2 & waste products Contain one way valves


39 Figure 11-4 Blood Vessels

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