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Inheritance Confirmed

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1 Inheritance Confirmed
Numbers 27 & 36

2 Inheritance Confirmed
BACKGROUND Numbers is an account of the time between the Exodus and the entry into the Promised Land They are encamped in Moabite territory They are nearly ready to enter the Promised Land The final chapter looks back to an earlier decision and looks forward to the approaching fulfilment of God’s promise to the Israelites

3 Inheritance Confirmed
LOOKING BACK (CHAPTER 27) We have already seen in chapter 27 that the issue of who can inherit if someone dies without a male heir has been discussed The daughters of Zelophehad had come to Moses and Eleazar to stake a claim on their father’s inheritance in the Promised Land They demonstrated faith in God’s promise to His people They honoured their father by not wishing for his name to die out amongst his tribe (Exodus 20:12)

4 Inheritance Confirmed
LOOKING BACK (CHAPTER 27) When Moses inquired of the Lord about the matter the Lord said that they certainly should inherit their father’s share It was important that Moses asked the Lord rather than using his own initiative, in the future this “case law” could be referred to when other women might be in the same position There is no question in anyone’s mind that there will be land to inherit in the Promised Land

5 Inheritance Confirmed
CLARIFICATION NEEDED (CHAPTER 36) The certainty of the chapter 27 solution to the problem of inheritance becomes possibly clouded A provision of the law was the Law of Jubilee – every 50 years land was to be returned to the original tribe and clan who had originally been allocated it What happens if Zelophehad’s daughters marry people from a different tribe? Geographical problem Spiritual problem – the integrity of the land given by the Lord

6 Inheritance Confirmed
THE SOLUTION (CHAPTER 36) Again Moses brings the matter to the Lord for His judgement The daughters cannot marry outside their tribe We might expect Zelophehad’s daughters to react angrily to this but they do not (10 – 12) They are willing to do whatever it takes to retain the land promised to them by the Lord An important principle was affirmed by perfect obedience

7 Inheritance Confirmed
LESSONS FOR TODAY God grants and preserves the inheritance He gives to His people (see 1 Peter 1:3 – 5) We are called to be obedient to what God is doing in our lives – we can find great security in that truth The end goal of our salvation is that we will reach our promised land and promised rest in Jesus God has already given us the Holy Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing that inheritance (Ephesians 1:13,14)

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