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Of the population, one third are least-reached

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2 Of the population, one third are least-reached
The world’s population is currently 7.3 billion Of the population, one third are least-reached

3 This means that billions of people will go from birth
to death, NEVER hearing the message of Jesus

4 Pray for justice for least-reached people because all people,
regardless of culture or community, should have the chance to hear the Gospel

5 Global Interaction is passionate about sharing the Gospel with least-reached people in culturally appropriate ways

6 Global Interaction works among NINE least-reached people groups

7 The Yawo people of Malawi & Mozambique

8 The K people of the Silk Road Area

9 The H people of Central Asia

10 The B people of South Asia

11 The Ethnic Thai of Thailand

12 The Khmer people of Cambodia

13 The IB, IR & IS people of South East Asia

14 Global Interaction is empowering communities to develop their
own distinctive ways of following Jesus

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