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Radical Republic to Directory

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1 Radical Republic to Directory
French Revolution: Radical Republic to Directory

2 1792: Popular opinion had turned against the Monarchy!
Fueled by freedom of the Press

3 Facts & Figures: The Guillotine
Named after French doctor Total weight was about 1278 lbs Height of side posts was just over 14 ft

4 Facts & Figures: The Guillotine
The blade drop was about 88 inches It took 2/100 of a second for the head to be cut off Power at impact was lbs per square inch

5 National Convention Writes a New Constitution
Ended the monarchy Made France a REPUBLIC – government with elected officials Legislature called the National Convention

6 National Convention Writes a New Constitution
Universal male suffrage – all adult male citizens given the right to vote Base of power – the sans culottes

7 Reforms of the Republic
Primary goal was to encourage greater equality New government - supported schools for all Universal Elementary Education

8 Reforms of the Republic
Pamphlets to help farmers; new land for peasants Introduced wage & price controls Abolished slavery in French colonies Abolished Catholic Church

9 Reforms of the Republic
Other reforms to rid France of Old Regime: Converted to metric system Adopted new calendar New street names No formal pronouns or titles

10 The Sans-Culottes Lead the Way!
“Without knee breeches” Shopkeepers, artisans and workers

11 The Sans-Culottes Lead the Way!
Rejected elaborate clothing Called each other “citizen” & “citizeness” (citoyen & citoyenne) Considered patriotic

12 Symbols of the Revolution

13 Revolution spreads! Slogan of Revolution: “liberty, equality, fraternity!!”

14 The Phrygian Cap of Liberty

15 1793 - Louis XVI Executed for Treason!
“I forgive those who are guilty of my death…” Led by radicals - tried, convicted & beheaded king for “conspiring against liberty of the nation”

16 Execution of King Threatens Foreign Thrones
Jan 1793: Monarchs of Great Britain, Spain, Netherlands & Sardinia joined Austria & Prussia in an alliance against France’s revolutionary government

17 Jacobins vs. Girondists in the National Convention
JACOBINS (radical): supported by sans-culottes; had voted to execute Louis XVI Leaders: Robespierre, Danton & Marat

18 Jacobins vs. Girondists in the National Convention
GIRONDISTS (moderate radicals): felt revolution had gone far enough & wanted to protect wealthy middle class from radical attack; wanted to spread ideas

19 Committee of Public Safety
Formed to direct war and repel foreign invasion Adopted conscription - draft calling for all men for military service

20 Committee of Public Safety
Also dealt with counter-revolutionaries within France (those who wanted to stop the Revolution) Revolutionary Tribunal – court that sentenced suspected counter-revolutionaries

21 Jacobins Arrest Girondists
Girondists accused Jacobins of seeking the favor of the mob; hurting the economy of France; also had voted against the execution of the former king!!

22 Jacobins Arrest Girondists
Jacobins charged that Girondists were secretly royalists (supporters of the king) and arrested Girondist leaders

23 Girondist Retaliation!
Charlotte Corday, a loyal Girondist supporter, killed Marat, the Jacobin leader (in the bathtub!)

24 Girondist Retaliation!
Corday was sent to the guillotine Marat’s assassination used as excuse for: the Terror...

25 The Republic Becomes More Oppressive: The Reign of Terror!
Led by Radicals, especially Robespierre Hunted down suspected traitors & counter-revolutionaries & turned them over to the Revolutionary Tribunal

26 The Reign of Terror Courts carried out swift trials & handed down harsh sentences Marie Antoinette one of the first executed 80% of commoners died

27 Results of the Reign of Terror: 40,000 dead
Stacks of heads labeled: "Clergy," "Nobles,”etc. Largest stack is for the "People" or general public

28 End of the Reign of Terror
By spring of 1794, France was winning the war & had increased French territory! Republic was out of danger… Danton & supporters called for an end to the Terror

29 End of the Reign of Terror
BUT Robespierre accused them of treason & had them sent to the guillotine Robespierre call for a new round of arrests…

30 The Thermidor Reaction
July 1794 – Fearing their own safety, other leaders turned against Robespierre & had him executed Many of Robespierre’s followers were also arrested The people called for a new government & an end to terror

31 Limited Republic: The Directory
New Constitution (again) - brought government under the control of the wealthy MIDDLE CLASS Universal male suffrage ended Only men with property could vote

32 Limited Republic: The Directory
Executive Council of 5 men called Directors Directory ruled with a 2-house legislature (bicameral)

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