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1 Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013 All rights reserved
Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc All rights reserved. No part of this presentation covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means–graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or information storage and retrieval systems–without written permission of the publisher. ISBN:


3 REHEARSING The rehearsal is a practice performance, held in private, in preparation for a public performance Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

4 Rehearsal Preparation
The run-through is a rehearsal of the show sequences and involves showing models the choreography Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

5 Rehearsal Preparation
A full dress rehearsal is held to check all theatrical and technical aspects of the show Dress rehearsals walk through with complete garment changes. May happen 1 week prior or 1 day prior Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

6 Rehearsal Preparation
The choreographer reviews the walk for the first scene of the show Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

7 Rehearsal Preparation
Example of a show day schedule Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

8 Dressers The individuals who help the models change in the dressing room Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

9 Starters The starter gives a model the cue to start walking down the runway Runner Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

10 PREPARING BACKSTAGE Final prep and check The stylist or merchandise committee members should set up the dressing area Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

11 PREPARING BACKSTAGE Models should arrive at the designated time, well before the start of the show, to have makeup applied and hair styled before putting on their first outfit. Racks of clothing organized by model should arrive in the dressing area at least two hours prior to the show Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

A staff member places reserved signs and programs on the fashion show seats before the audience arrives Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

A silent auction may feature items from donors or creative items Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

First impressions will influence the show’s success or failure Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

The show producers need to be aware of audience reaction throughout the show’s production. Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

16 CLOSING THE SHOW The finale should provide a visual closing to the show Music and lighting, combined with the most dramatic clothing, should signal the end of a well-produced fashion show Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

17 STRIKING THE SHOW Stage strike, a term taken from the theater, refers to striking, or physically disassembling, the set Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

18 BEING PROFESSIONAL The merchandisers and models act professionally at in-store fittings The merchandise is kept in a clean, ready-to-sell condition upon return to the store The merchandise is returned in a timely manner Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

19 CANCELING A SHOW It is extremely rare to cancel a fashion show, but certain situations call for this action Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

20 WRAPPING UP Thank you notes should be written as soon as possible after the show Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

21 EVALUATING The evaluation process When to evaluate Evaluation form
Evaluation based on goals Evaluation based on strengths and weaknesses Statistics Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

22 The Evaluation Process
Reaction of the audience Sales or services generated for designers, retailers, manufacturers, and suppliers Team and team member contributions Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

23 When to Evaluate Immediately follow ing the show, when successes and problems are fresh in everyone’s mind Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

24 Evaluation Form Everett, Swanson Ch 8
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

25 Evaluation Based on Goals
Selling merchandise Presenting fashion trend information Introducing new lines Building store traffic Establishing fashion authority Offering goodwill to the community Providing training for employees Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

26 Evaluation Based on Strengths and Weaknesses
Event personnel should determine what the strengths of the show were and how problems or weaknesses of the show should be corrected or replaced for the next time Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

27 Statistics Audience count: The number of attendees
Media coverage: The number of exposures generated in the media Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

Participants Theme and Title Audience Budget Promotion Merchandise Models Music Staging Script and Announcer Other Shows Media Coverage Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

A fashion show diary documents all of the planning and activities that took place during a particular fashion show Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

30 Audience Everett, Swanson Ch 8
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

31 Models Everett, Swanson Ch 8
Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

32 MEASURING SUCCESS The audience’s reaction helps show producers measure their success Everett, Swanson Ch 8 Published by Fairchild Books, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. Copyright © Bloomsbury Publishing Inc. 2013

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