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Alliance Annual Report

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1 Alliance Annual Report
Data and Measures for Alliance Member Staff Annie Downey, Assessment Team Chair Summer Meeting 2016

2 Background and Framework
Re-direction of the Assessment Team’s work by the Board Focusing on items for an Alliance annual report What member staff need (here!) What Council members need Narrative: Explain the difference between administrative and operational needs, the importance of framing an annual report that captures BOTH Emphasize that there will be a parallel session in the Council meeting later this week; what’s captured here and what’s there are both part of the final list of needs Dana and Faye are here as observers

3 Questions and Data Capture
Give them the handout, invite individual work for a few minutes Then call on six discussion leaders around the room to do the small groups and record on flip charts Then use following slides to solicit suggestions for each area; mark up flip charts with anything additional from group

4 Collaborative Workforce
Are members participating in the Alliance’s collaborative work?

5 Collection Development
What resources are available through the Alliance Shared Content, Courier and CCD Programs and services? Does Alliance activity in this area save members money?

6 Ex Libris Support System
Do we have effective support mechanisms from central staff and Ex Libris to meet member needs? Are Alliance members participating in Ex Libris-sponsored activities to improve the product? Is Ex Libris meeting obligations under the contract?

7 Shared Infrastructure
Are we testing enhancements to products on behalf of membership to facilitate organization-wide and institution decision making? Are we ensuring that all user interfaces associated with the Alliance meet commonly accepted standards for usability and accessibility?

8 Member Participation in Alliance Activities
Are members participating in the Alliance’s shared work? Who is over- or under- participating?

9 Education & Training of Members
Are members participating in training? Are members satisfied with the training?

10 Compare With Current Data Collected

11 Resources Available through SC, Courier, and CCD Programs/Services
# of books shared/year # of Courier packages/year # ebook subscriptions # DDA ebook subscriptions # of finding aids retrieved from Archives West (forthcoming) # of digital objects aggregated Collection Development first

12 Does Alliance activity in this area save members money?
DDA transaction reports EBL weekly expenditures Subscription savings for Alliance and per member eBrary academic complete usage

13 Do we have effective support mechanisms from central staff and Ex Libris to meet member needs?
# of open cases at Ex Libris Length of time cases are open (new) Member satisfaction with support Now on to the Ex Libris support system

14 Are Alliance member participating in Ex Libris-sponsored activities to improve the product?
# of people participating in Ex Libris-sponsored activities (working groups, ELUNA, etc.)

15 Is Ex Libris meeting obligations under the contract?
(proposed) Information related to performance on Service Level Agreement

16 Are we testing enhancements to products on behalf of membership to facilitate organization-wide and institution decision making? Number of Ex Libris product enhancements/releases tested through collaborative efforts Number of member institutions participating in usability testing

17 Are we ensuring that all user interfaces meet commonly accepted usability and accessibility standards? Google Analytics on Primo (proposed) and Archives West (in place) expose strengths and weaknesses Adherence to current accessibility standards

18 Are members participating in the Alliance’s shared work?
# of individuals from each organization participating in all groups Now on to member participation

19 Are members participating in training?
# of training opportunities offered each year # of people participating Last, education and training

20 Are members satisfied with this training?
Information from end-of-training surveys on level of satisfaction

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