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Computational Methods 2018/2019 Fall Chapter 7-B

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Presentation on theme: "Computational Methods 2018/2019 Fall Chapter 7-B"— Presentation transcript:

1 Computational Methods 2018/2019 Fall Chapter 7-B
CSE 551 Computational Methods 2018/2019 Fall Chapter 7-B Iterative Solutions of Linear Systems

2 Outline Vector and Matrix Norms Condition Number and Ill-Conditioning Basic Iterative Methods Pseudocode Convergence Theorems Matrix Formulation Another View of Overrelaxation Conjugate Gradient Method

3 References W. Cheney, D Kincaid, Numerical Mathematics and Computing, 6ed, Chapter 8

4 Iterative Solutions of Linear Systems
a completely different strategy for solving a nonsingular linear system used solving partial differential equations numerically. systems having hundreds of thousands of equations arise routinely

5 Vector and Matrix Norms
useful in the discussion of errors and in the stopping criteria for iterative methods defined on any vector space, Rn or Cn A vector norm ||x|| - length or magnitude of a vector x  Rn any mapping from Rn to R properties: for vectors x, y  Rn and scalars α  R

6 Examples of vector norms
for vector x (x1, x2, , xn)T  Rn:

7 n × n matrices, - matrix norms, subject to the same requirements:
for matrices A, B and scalars α.

8 matrix norms that are related to a vector norm.
For a vector norm || · ||, the subordinate matrix norm is defined by A n × n matrix subordinate matrix norm - additional properties:

9 two meanings - with the notation || · ||p
vectors, matrices The context will determine which one is intended. Examples of subordinate matrix norms for an n × n matrix A: σi: eigenvalues of AT A - singular values of A largest σmax in absolute value spectral radius of A

10 Condition Number and Ill-Conditioning
important quantity influence in the numerical solution of a linear system Ax = b - the condition number, defined: not necessary to compute the inverse of A obtain an estimate of the condition number

11 the condition number κ(A) gauges the
transfer of error from the matrix A and the vector b to the solution x The rule of thumb: if κ(A) = 10k , expect to lose at least k digits of precision in solving the system Ax = b If the linear system is sensitive to perturbations in elements of A, components of b reflected in A having a large condition number In such a case, the matrix A is said to be ill-conditioned. the larger the condition number, the more ill-conditioned the system.

12 there may have been perturbations of the data
to solve an invertible linear system of equations Ax = b for a given coefficient matrix A and right-hand side b there may have been perturbations of the data owing to uncertainty in the measurements and roundoff errors in the calculations. Suppose that right-hand side is perturbed by an amount δb corresponding solution is perturbed an amount δx.

13 From the original linear system Ax = b and norms,
From the perturbed linear system Aδx = δb, δx = A−1δb

14 Combining the two inequalities:
contains the condition number of the original matrix A.

15 example of an ill-conditioned matrix - the Hilbert matrix:
condition number: determinant: ×10−4 In solving linear systems, the condition number of the coefficient matrix measures the sensitivity of the system to errors in the data

16 When the condition number large
the computed solution of the system may be dangerously in error! Further checks should be made before accepting the solution as being accurate Values of the condition number near 1 indicate a well-conditioned matrix whereas large values indicate an ill-conditioned matrix. Using the determinant to check for singularity is appropriate only for matrices of modest size. Using mathematical software, compute the condition number to check for singular or near-singular matrices.

17 A goal in the study of numerical methods is to acquire an awareness of
whether a numerical result can be trusted or whether it may be suspect (and therefore in need of further analysis). condition number - some evidence regarding this question. In fact, some solution procedures involve advanced features that depend on an estimated condition number and may switch solution techniques based on it.

18 For example, this criterion may result in a switch of the solution technique from a variant of Gaussian elimination to a least-squares solution for an illconditioned system. Unsuspecting users may not realize that this has happened unless they look at all of the results, including the estimate of the condition number. (Condition numbers can also be associated with other numerical problems, such as locating roots of equations.)

19 Basic Iterative Methods
produces sequence of approximate solution vectors x(0),x(1), x(2), for system Ax = b designed - the sequence converges to the actual solution. stopped - sufficient precision attained contrast to Gaussian elimination algorithm, no provision for stopping midway and offering up an approximate solution

20 general iterative algorithm for solving System (1) : Select
a nonsingular matrix Q and having chosen an arbitrary starting vector x(0) generate vectors x(1), x(2), recursively: suppose that the sequence x(k) does converge, to a vector x*, taking the limit as k →∞in System (2):

21 leads to Ax* = b if the sequence converges, its limit - solution to System (1) e.g., Richardson iteration uses Q = I.

22 pseudocode

23 In choosing - nonsingular matrix Q :
• System (2) - easy to solve for x(k), when the right-hand side is known. • Matrix Q should be chosen to ensure that the sequence x(k) converges, no matter what initial vector is used. Ideally, this convergence will be rapid. not necessary to compute the inverse of Q solve a linear system - Q: coefficient matrix. select Q - easy to solve e.g., diagonal, tridiagonal, banded, lower triangular, and upper triangular.

24 System (1) in detailed form:
Solving the ith equation for the ith unknown term, Jacobi method: assume that all diagonal elements are nonzero If not rearrange the equations

25 In the Jacobi method,the equations are solved in order
xj(k−1) and Gauss-Seidel method: new values xj(k−1) can be used immediately in their place.

26 If x(k−1) not saved, dispense with the superscripts

27 acceleration of the Gauss-Seidel method
relaxation factor ω - successive overrelaxation (SOR) method: SOR method with ω = 1 reduces to the Gauss-Seidel method.

28 Example (Jacobi iteration) Let Carry out a number of iterations of the Jacobi iteration, starting with the zero initial vector.

29 Example Rewriting the equations, Jacobi method: initial vector x(0) = [0, 0, 0]T The actual solution (to four decimal places rounded) obtained

30 In the Jacobi iteration, Q - diagonal of A:

31 Jacobi iterative matrix and constant vector:
Q close to A, Q−1A close to I, I − Q−1A small. the

32 Example (Gauss-Seidel iteration) Repeat the preceding example using the Gauss-Seidel iteration. Solution The idea of the Gauss-Seidel iteration: accelerate the convergence - incorporating each vector as soon as it has been computed more efficient in the Jacobi method to use the updated value x1(k) in the second equation instead of the old value x1(k-1) Similarly, x2(k) could be used in the third equation in place of x2(k-1)

33 Using the new iterates as soon as they become available, Gauss-Seidel method:
Starting with the initial vector zero, some of the iterates:

34 In this example, the convergence of the Gauss-Seidel method is approximately twice as fast
as that of the Jacobi method In Gauss-Seidel, Q – lower triangular part of A, including the diagonal. Using the data from the previous example:

35 in a practical problem not compute Q−1.
Gauss- Seidel iterative matrix and constant vector Gauss-Seidel method:

36 Example (SOR iteration) Repeat the preceding example using the SOR iteration with ω = 1.1. Starting with the initial vector – zeros, with ω = 1.1, some of the iterates:

37 the convergence of the SOR method is faster than that of the Gauss-Seidel method
SOR - Q - lower triangular part of A including the diagonal, but each diagonal element ai j replaced by ai j/ω, ω relaxation factor.

38 SOR iterative matrix and constant vector:
write the SOR method:

39 Pseudocode


41 the vector y contains the old iterate values,
and the vector x contains the updated ones The values of kmax, δ, and ε are set either in a parameter statement or as global variables.

42 The pseudocode for the procedure Gauss Seidel(A, b, x) would be the same as that for the Jacobi pseudocode above except that the innermost j-loop would be replaced by the following:

43 The pseudocode for procedure SOR(A, b, x, ω)would be the same as that for the Gauss-
Seidel pseudocode with the statement following the j-loop replaced by: xi ← sum/diag xi ← ωxi + (1 − ω)yi In the solution of partial differ

44 Convergence Theorems For the analysis of the method described by System (2): the iteration matrix and vector:

45 in the pseudocode, not compute Q−1 et x be the solution of System (1)
to facilitate the analysis et x be the solution of System (1) Since A nonsingular, x exists and is unique from Equation (7), e(k) ≡ x(k) − x current error vector

46 e(k) to become smaller as k increases
Equation (8) - e(k) will be smaller than e(k-1) if I − Q−1A is small, in some sense Q−1A close to I. Q should be close to A. (Norms can be used to make small and close precise.)

In order that the sequence generated by Qx(k) = (Q − A)x(k-1) + b to converge, no matter what starting point x(0) is selected it is necessary and sufficient that all eigenvalues of I − Q−1A lie in the open unit disc, |z| < 1, in the complex plane.

48 The conclusion of this theorem can also be written as
where ρ is the spectral radius function: For any n × n matrix G, having eigenvalues λi, ρ(G) = max1in |λi |.

49 Example Determine whether the Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, and SOR methods (with ω = 1.1) of the previous examples converge for all initial iterates. Solution

50 the Jacobi method, compute the eigenvalues of the relevant matrix B.
The steps are The eigenvalues are λ = 0,±sqrt(1/3) ≈ ±0.5774 by the preceding theorem: Jacobi iteration succeeds for any starting vector in this example.

51 Gauss-Seidel method, the eigenvalues of the iteration matrix L detmined from
The eigenvalues are λ = 0, 0, 1/3 ≈ 0.333 Hence, the Gauss-Seidel iteration will also succeed for any initial vector in this example.

52 SOR method with ω = 1.1, the eigenvalues of the iteration matrix Lω determined from
The eigenvalues are λ ≈ , ,− SOR iteration will also succeed for any initial vector in this example

53 A condition - easier to verify than the inequality ρ(I − Q−1A) < 1:
the dominance of the diagonal elements over the other elements in the same row use the property of diagonal dominance to determine whether the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods converge

If A is diagonally dominant, then the Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel methods converge for any starting vector x(0). Notice that this is a sufficient but not a necessary condition there are matrices that are not diagonally dominant for which these methods converge.

Matrix A is symmetric positive definite (SPD) if A = AT and xT Ax > 0 for all nonzero real vectors x. For a matrix A to be SPD, it is necessary and sufficient that A = AT and that all eigenvalues of A are positive.

Suppose that the matrix A has positive diagonal elements and that 0 < ω < 2. The SOR method converges for any starting vector x(0) if and only if A is symmetric and positive definite.

57 For the formal theory of iterative methods
Matrix Formulation For the formal theory of iterative methods split the matrix A into the sum of nonzero diagonal matrix D strictly lower triangular matrix CL strictly upper triangular matrix CU such that D = diag(A), CL = (−ai j )i>j , and CU = (−ai j )i<j .

58 linear System (3) can be written as
From Equation (4), the Jacobi method in matrix-vector form is corresponds to Equation (2) with Q = diag(A) = D.

59 From Equation (5), the Gauss-Seidel method becomes
corresponds to Equation (2) with Q = diag(A) + lower triangular(A) = D − CL .

60 From Equation (6), the SOR method can be written as
corresponds to Equation (2) with Q =(1/ω)diag(A) + lower triangular(A) = (1/ω)D − CL

61 In summary, the iteration matrix and constant vector for the basic three iterative methods
(Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, and SOR) can be written in terms of this splitting For the Jacobi method, Q = D, For the Gauss-Seidel method, Q = D − CL,

62 For the SOR method, Q = 1/ω(D − ωCL ),

63 Another View of Overrelaxation
In some cases, the rate of convergence of the basic iterative scheme (2) can be improved by the introduction of an auxiliary vector and an acceleration parameter ω as follows: The parameter ω gives a weighting in favor of the updated values

64 When ω = 1, this procedure reduces to the basic iterative method, and
when 1 < ω < 2, the rate of convergence may be improved, called overrelaxation When Q = D, - Jacobi overrelaxation (JOR) method:

65 Overrelaxation has particular advantages when used with the Gauss-Seidel method in a slightly different way: SOR method:

66 Conjugate Gradient Method

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