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Sheila Oparaocha, ENERGIA Secretariat
Linking the outcomes of the gender session to energy and sustainable development at the fourteenth Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD14) Sheila Oparaocha, ENERGIA Secretariat
Energy Week 2006/CSD14 “Energy Week is a key event in the energy calendar that will ….. contribute to the discussions on energy and development to be taken up at CSD 14; the high level forum that forges international political consensus on priority actions in May.” Jamal Saghir, Director, Energy and Water, Energy Week 2006 Programme 2/22/2019
CSD – What it is The United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was established by the UN General Assembly in December 1992 to ensure effective follow-up of United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED). 2/22/2019
CSD – What it does The Commission is responsible for reviewing progress in the implementation of Agenda 21 and the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. CSD provides policy guidance to follow up the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI) at the local, national, regional and international levels the main outcome of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002). The JPOI reaffirmed that the CSD is the high-level forum for sustainable development within the United Nations system. 2/22/2019
JPOI Commitments JPOI paragraph 9
“Take joint actions … to improve access to reliable and affordable energy services for sustainable development sufficient to facilitate the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) … bearing in mind that access to energy facilitates the eradication of poverty.” JPOI - chap. VIII “….to ensuring that women’s empowerment, emancipation and gender equality are integrated in all activities encompassed within Agenda 21, the Millennium Development Goals and the Plan of Implementation of this Summit.” 2/22/2019
CSD 14/15 Thematic areas for CSD 14 in 2006 (review progress) and CSD 15 in 2007 (policy): Energy for Sustainable Development Industrial Development Air Pollution / Atmosphere Climate Change 2/22/2019
Interventions at CSD 14 Intergovernmental process Major Groups (9):
Women, Children & Youth, Indigenous People, NGOs, Local Authorities, Workers & Trade Unions, Business & Industry, Scientific & Technological Communities, & Farmers 2/22/2019
ENERGIA’s Interventions at CSD 14
As Organising Partner to facilitate input of Women’s Major Group in CSD 14 at the national, regional and international levels Support: Sida - Swedish International Development Assistance Thematic Focus: Energy for Sustainable Development Geographical Focus: Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia, Pacific and Latin America Objective: To highlight the operational relevance of gender in the energy sector and to incorporate “viable entry points” to mainstream gender issues in energy projects and policies in the outcomes of CSD 14. 2/22/2019
Key Partners ENERGIA national member organisation (13 NPFs in Africa and 8 NFPs in Asia) Regional Gender and Energy Networks in the Pacific and Central America (GENES and PEG) UN CSD Secretarait Partner organisation-UNDP, World Bank, GVEP, WEDO, IUCN, WECF National government representatives to CSD 14 Other Major Groups 2/22/2019
National Level Activities in Africa
Nigeria - Friend of the Environment Kenya – ITDG EA Ghana - GRATIS Tanzania – TATEDO Senegal -Enda Uganda - EAETDN Mali - Malifolkcentre Lesotho - Khalema Redeby and Associates South Africa – Nova Africa, Swaziland - University of Swaziland Zimbabwe - WEDS Development Consultants Botswana – BOTEC Zambia -Department of Energy National Level Activities in Africa 2/22/2019
National Level Activities in Asia
North India – AIWC South India – EPTRI Nepal – CRT/N Pakistan – AKRSP Bangladesh – Prokaushali Sangsad Ltd. Sri Lanka – University of Peradeniya Philippines – APPOTECH Vietnam – VWU Laos – GRID Indonesia – Dian Desa Appropriate Technology Group 2/22/2019
National Level Activities
To address a deficiency in CSD processes of minimal developing country inputs from Major Groups: National dialogues/reports on gender and energy for CSD 14 within the context of the country’s preparations: concrete progress in implementation of activities include lessons learned and best practices highlight relevant trends, constraints, challenges and emerging issues Multi-stakeholders: Government representatives, NGOs, academic/research institutions; CBO; Private sector; Women’s groups 2/22/2019
Regional Level Activities
Participation of NFPs and representatives from PEG and GENES in: Regional Implementation Meeting for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNECLAC: 19 – 20 Jan. 2006, Santiago, Chile) Regional Implementation Meeting for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP: Jan. 2006, Bangkok, Thailand) Regional CSD 14 reports on Gender and Energy concrete progress in implementation of activities include lessons learned and best practices highlight relevant trends, constraints, challenges and emerging issues 2/22/2019
International Level Activities
Gender and Energy Sessions at Energy Week 2006 Secretary-General's State of Implementation Report Women’s Major Group Discussion Paper Case studies and examples of best practices through CSD 14 website At CSD 14 Interactive thematic panel discussions High-level and Closing segment Side Events and the Learning Center Inter Major Group dialogue 2/22/2019
Example of outputs to-date
In reflecting on the “Opportunities for furthering the sustainable development agenda in Asia and the Pacific” the RIM Asia and the Pacific Outcome Document noted: 65. Gender, women and energy has successfully emerged on the regional development agenda and is viewed as a critical pathway for linking energy interventions to the achievement of the MDGs. Because women are particularly impacted by the continued use of traditional fuels, a special commitment is necessary to provide enhanced household energy services. Additional commitment is also needed to invest in energy technologies that enhance women’s income generation opportunities, health and education. 2/22/2019
More information Coordination by UN DESA
CSD 14 is from 1-12 May 2006 at UN headquarters in New York Coordination by UN DESA or 2/22/2019
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