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Title I, Part A and LAP Updates

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1 Title I, Part A and LAP Updates

2 Title I, Part A and LAP Updates
Save the Date! Unlocking Federal Funds…Workshop March 1, :00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at ESD 113 Olympia and broadcast live to Yakima ESD 105 and Spokane ESD 101 1. Carryover Funds FP200 Opens in January and is due in February 2. Form Package 881 (Carryover of Transferred Funds) (New) Carryover funds budget revisions—February to March OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

3 Carryover FP200 Guidance Form Package 200 (Carryover)
Additional question about carryover of transferred funds (New) If adding carryover to school budgets, keep in mind Ranking and Allocation Rules OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

4 NEW–Form Package 881 Carryover
Carryover of Transferred Funds (New) Page 1: short answers about the use/monitoring of transferred funds Page 2: Carryover amounts available from transferred funds, Carryover amounts available to transfer OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

5 LAP Updates LAP Reporting Webinars
Register in advance for the Thursday, March 7th webinar from 3:00-4:00 pm:   Register in advance for the Wednesday, June 19th webinar from 3:00-4:00 pm: LAP Fiscal No indirect funds can be charged to LAP HP Funds LAP High Poverty Funds & Indirects A note from School Apportionment & Financial Services: With the carryover and recovery tool now available, we have been getting a lot of inquiries regarding indirect charges to Learning Assistance Program High Poverty funds. Specifically, districts are wanting to know if they are allowed to charge an indirect rate to the high poverty portion of the allocation. The answer to the question for the 2017–18 allocation is no, a district can not charge indirects on the district’s high poverty allocation because of the emergency rule change created to mitigate recovery on this initial allocation. The rule change provides that the unspent allocation will be fully carried forward to the next fiscal year. The recovery rate (commonly called the indirect rate) is provided when a state allocation is measured for potential recovery of funds. Indirects mitigate potential recovery. Because the allocation is not subject to recovery, and the rule change allows for a full carryover of the funds, applying indirects is not used in the 2017–18 carryover and recovery tool. No indirect funds can be charged to the LAP HP funds because of the one-time 100% allowable carryover from 2017 to Indirects can be charged to the LAP HP funds. Attached is more information from Paul Stone in SAFS if needed. OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

6 Lisa Ireland, data analyst and Josh Lynch, LAP Program
LAP Reporting Lisa Ireland, data analyst and Josh Lynch, LAP Program OFFICE OF SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION

7 Rural Education (REAP—Title V, Part B)

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