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A space called ‘Treblinka’

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1 A space called ‘Treblinka’

2 'Traces' Print all Slides to A4 size. Print or mount on to white card.
Preparation: Print all Slides to A4 size. Print or mount on to white card. Place all photographs into an A4 envelope, marked ‘Traces’. Give each student group the envelope as per the lesson plan. Refer to the notes for each slide for more information about the object. Reveal this information as per the lesson plan.

3 This Nivea tin was among a number of artefacts discovered on the surface in the camp waste pit area. It has German text on it and is believed to date to 1938. Credit: Caroline Sturdy Colls/Centre of Archaeology, Staffordshire University

4 This bottle top and arm of a pair of scissors were uncovered during excavations in the area around the old gas chamber building. Credit: Caroline Sturdy Colls/Centre of Archaeology, Staffordshire University

5 This rose brooch was found among rubble lying over the top of the foundations of the old gas chamber. Credit: Caroline Sturdy Colls/Centre of Archaeology, Staffordshire University

6 This collection of hair clips comes from a large cache unearthed during excavations around the old gas chamber building. Credit: Caroline Sturdy Colls/Centre of Archaeology, Staffordshire University

7 These tiles were among a number found in the area of the old gas chamber building. Some were found in situ, others fragmented and scattered. They were coloured yellow and orange, bearing a Star of David on their underside. Credit: Caroline Sturdy Colls/Centre of Archaeology, Staffordshire University

8 A space called 'Treblinka'
Photographs slides 3-7 all credited to Caroline Sturdy Colls/Centre of Archaeology, Staffordshire University

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