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After-the-Fact Workgroup Update Sheryl Welch

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1 After-the-Fact Workgroup Update Sheryl Welch
ISAS Meeting January 12-13, 2016 Phoenex, AZ

2 ATF Tagging Guidelines
Webinar was held November 5, 2015. Object was to have specific reasons for ATF Tags. Following changes were made. Reasons to Create ATF Tags ATF tags are used by Balancing Authorities (BAs or CAs), Transmission Service Providers (TSPs), and Scheduling Entities (SEs) to accurately reflect a schedule which was coordinated and controlled by a BA’s Energy Management System (EMS) and Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system during real time system operations, but was not properly tagged. Missing or incorrectly used CA (Balancing Authority), TP (Transmission Provider), or SE (Scheduling Entity) Missing adjacencies or incorrect Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery segment(s) When there is an Emergency and WIT system goes down. ATF tags shall not be used for market driven manipulations. NOTE: When an ATF tag is needed to correct a dynamic tag, the tag type is normal.

3 ATF Tagging Guidelines (Cont’d)
Posted for Comments on December 9, 2015. Three Comments Received. ATFWG Meeting/Webinar was held yesterday. Discussed Inadvertent and how it affects ACE. Discussed whether or not PeakRC was going to accept ATF changes. Discussed the comments that were received. APS question—If a unit is off line, but energy was tagged from that unit but generated from its sister unit is that a reason for a WIT change? Consensus was No. NWMT—Section 1.4 Definitions: WIT – Western Interchange Tool. Should be WECC Interchange Tool (Change made)

4 ATF Tagging Guideline (Cont’d)
BANC/SMUD/TANC—Only bullets one, three, and four are required in the Attachment 1. If there are any instances in which a tag had a missing or incorrect BA, TP, SE, Adjacency or POR/POD which needed to be corrected, then those corrections should only be made under the provision of the bullet one.

5 ATF Tagging Guidelines (Cont’d)
Reasons to Create ATF Tags ATF tags are used by Balancing Authorities (BAs or CAs), Transmission Service Providers (TSPs), and Scheduling Entities (SEs) to accurately reflect a schedule which was coordinated and controlled by a BA’s Energy Management System (EMS) and Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system during real time system operations, but was not properly tagged. Missing or incorrectly used CA (Balancing Authority), TP (Transmission Provider), or SE (Scheduling Entity) Missing adjacencies or incorrect Point of Receipt or Point of Delivery segment(s) When there is an Emergency and WIT system goes down. ATF tags shall not be used for market driven manipulations. NOTE: When an ATF tag is needed to correct a dynamic tag, the tag type is normal.

6 ATF Tagging Guidelines
Decision was to have a one or two-day workshop to focus on all the ATF tag issues, with PEAKRC, WECC, ATFWG.

7 WIT Schedule Change Request Form
Previous changes to WIT Schedule Change Request Form Converted to Excel Spreadsheet Added Date and Lead Party Changed from WECC to WIT Schedule Change Request Form New Changes to the Form for tracking purposes only Added two columns ATF Created (Y/N) Number of ATF Tags Needed Added For ATF Chair Use Only Box Added “….and and cc the ATFWG Chair” Note: Until we hear different, form is to be submitted to both WECC & PEAK


9 ATF WIT Changes REASON 2015 2014 2013 2012 Incorrect Path or Sched Entity 66 56 82 72 Scheduling or Adjusting Error 21 20 16 36 System Error 3 12 27 Generation/Meter Adjustment 50 40 26 31 Incorrect Source / Sink 13 203 11 Curtailment Error Incorrect PSE 8 5 RSG Tag Error 9 18 Integration Error 1 2 4 Tag Type Correction 49 Incorrect Tag 68 WIT not match OAIT Tag Oversold Unknown TOTAL 236 383 199 231 Current MW 5840 22662 1679 12896 Changed to MW 2301 9614 1365 7691 Total MW Change 3539 13048 314 5205

10 Updating ATFWG Contact List
Last update was November 1, 2015. If your company has any ATF personnel changes, please send the following information to Specify:  Active ATFWG Member or Distribution Only Name Company Phone Fax


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