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WWII “Loose Ends”.

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1 WWII “Loose Ends”

2 Stimson Doctrine a policy of the United States federal government, enunciated in a note of January 7, 1932, to Japan and China, of non-recognition of international territorial changes that were executed by force. -result of Japanese invasion of Manchuria

3 “Arsenal of Democracy”
-FDR radio address of Dec 29, 1940 -promise to help British fight Nazis – giving supllies while staying out of fighting

4 Who was Stimson? -Taft’s Sec of War -Governor-General of Philippines
-Hoover’s Sec of State -FDR and Truman’s Sec of War -oversaw increase in military strength -oversaw development and use of atomic bomb

5 Atlantic Charter -FDR and Churchill’s agreement of Allied war aims (prior to US entry) -August 1941

6 Atlantic Charter The eight principal points of the Charter were:
no territorial gains were to be sought by the United States or the United Kingdom; territorial adjustments must be in accord with the wishes of the peoples concerned; all people had a right to self-determination; trade barriers were to be lowered; there was to be global economic cooperation and advancement of social welfare; the participants would work for a world free of want and fear; the participants would work for freedom of the seas; there was to be disarmament of aggressor nations, and a post-war common disarmament.

7 German Wolf Packs What were they? How did the Allies respond?

8 Kristallnacht -“Night of Broken Glass” - November 1938
-Pogroms against Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues in Germany and German-held Austria St. Louis – turned away from Miami


10 Smith v Allwright (1944) -landmark voting rights case – Texas
-Democratic primaries -increased African-American political participation in Texas

11 Dr. Seuss goes to War

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