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Poetry review Name that term!.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry review Name that term!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry review Name that term!

2 Verse that has no set pattern or rhyme, line, or stanza
1. Verse that has no set pattern or rhyme, line, or stanza

3 Groups of lines in a poem
2. Groups of lines in a poem

4 Who or what the poem is about
3. Who or what the poem is about

5 4. When one line of verse within a stanza runs into the next without a grammatical pause

6 The overall message of the poem
5. The overall message of the poem

7 A stanza with four lines
6. A stanza with four lines

8 Directly addressing an absent person or thing as if it were present
7. Directly addressing an absent person or thing as if it were present

9 Language that attributes human qualities to nonhuman things
8. Language that attributes human qualities to nonhuman things

10 Language that appeals to the sense of movement
9. Language that appeals to the sense of movement

11 A pause within a line of verse
10. A pause within a line of verse

12 A comparison of two unlike things without using like or as
11. A comparison of two unlike things without using like or as

13 12. A stanza with two lines

14 The poet’s attitude toward the subject
13. The poet’s attitude toward the subject

15 14. A line of verse that ends in a full pause, usually indicated by a mark of punctuation

16 A stanza with three lines
15. A stanza with three lines

17 Poetry that has an identifiable pattern of rhyme, line, and/or stanza
16. Poetry that has an identifiable pattern of rhyme, line, and/or stanza

18 17. The imaginary voice assumed by the writer of the poem. It can be a person, animal, thing, or abstraction

19 18. An extended form of metaphor that lasts a few lines or sometimes the entire poem. It oftentimes compares two extremely different things.

20 Language that appeals to sense of sight
19. Language that appeals to sense of sight

21 Language that appeals to sense of taste
20. Language that appeals to sense of taste

22 Language that appeals to sense of touch
21. Language that appeals to sense of touch

23 Language that appeals to internal sensations
22. Language that appeals to internal sensations

24 Language that appeals to sense of sound
23. Language that appeals to sense of sound

25 Comparison of two unlike things using like or as
24. Comparison of two unlike things using like or as

26 Language that appeals to heat/cold
25. Language that appeals to heat/cold

27 An exaggeration or overstatement
26. An exaggeration or overstatement

28 Language that appeals to sense of smell
27. Language that appeals to sense of smell

29 Now let’s see how you did!

30 Answers Open form Stanzas Subject Enjambment Theme Quatrain Apostrophe
Personification Kinesthetic Caesure 11. Metaphor 12. Couplet 13. Tone 14. end-stopped 15. Tercet 16. Closed form 17. Speaker 18. Conceit 19. Visual 20. gustatory

31 Answers 21. Tactile 22. Organic 23. Auditory 24. Simile 25. Thermal 26. Hyperbole 27. olfactory

32 Sound Devices 1. The repetition of initial consonant sounds.

33 2. The repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words.

34 3. The repetition of final consonant sounds.

35 4. Words whose sounds imitate its meaning

36 5. When the end of the word or phrase is identical in sound to another. The vowel sound must be exact.

37 6. A similarity in spelling of words that do not sound alike and are pronounced differently

38 7. The rhyming of words at the end of lines.

39 8. Rhyme that matches two or more syllables, usually at the end of lines. It is rare.

40 9. A rhyme that matches only one syllable, usually at the end of lines of poetry.

41 10. when words within a single line of poetry rhyme

42 11. The regular pattern of end rhymes in a poem or stanza. One letter of the alphabet is assigned to each rhyming sound.

43 12. Rhymes that aren’t quite rhymes

44 Answers! Alliteration 7. End rhyme Assonance 8. Feminine rhyme
Consonance 9. Masculine Onomatopoeia 10. Internal rhyme Exact rhyme 11. Rhyme scheme Eye rhyme Slant rhyme

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