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Step Up to Writing.

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Presentation on theme: "Step Up to Writing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Step Up to Writing

2 What is Step Up to Writing?
Step Up to Writing is a writing program with an emphasis on organization The stoplight is used to help you remember how to properly organize paragraphs and essays

3 The Step Up to Writing Stoplight
Go! State your topic. Slow down! Be Specific. Stop! Explain; give examples. Go back! Restate your topic.

4 Green Topic Sentence Green means “go.”
Green says, “I have a place I am going with this paragraph.” Green asks the writer to decide, “What am I going to prove?” “What am I going to explain?” “What information will I share?”

5 Yellow Reasons/Details/Facts Yellow means “slow down.”
Yellow identifies key ideas—reasons, details, or facts. Yellow introduces key concepts-- reasons, details, or facts.

6 Red Explain Red means “stop and explain.” Red presents evidence.
Red provides explanations and examples.

7 Green Conclusion Green means “go back to your topic.”
Green means restate your topic and the position. Do not introduce new information. Use synonyms and leave your reader with something to remember.

8 Example SL Paragraph Although Cedar Point and other Six Flag parks are fun, my favorite amusement park is Disneyland. First, I love the rides. Space Mountain and Thunder Mountain roller coasters make my heart race, and I like to sing along with “It’s a Small World”. Next, I also enjoy the shows. I watch the parade and fireworks every time I visit. There is also a new Snow White show I’d like to see. I love my visits to Disneyland

9 Going swimming is one of the best ways to beat the heat during the summer. One good thing about swimming is doing laps in the pool. Swimming laps is great exercise! It also helps you improve your swimming skills. The best thing about swimming, though, is playing around in the pool! I love to do jumps and dives off of the diving board. Also, when there are more people swimming, you can play games and have races. Clearly, there is no better way to avoid the summer heat! .

10 My friends and I love outdoor recess time
My friends and I love outdoor recess time. We always play games together. Four square and hopscotch are the favorite games in our class. We also like the new equipment on the playground. Everyone tries to be the one to go the highest and fastest on the swings. Teams try to beat each other when they play tetherball. We all laugh at each other and cheer when we make points. All of my friends will tell you that recess is a fun part of the day.

11 So… Remember… STOPLIGHT!

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