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Higher History Assignment(30 marks)

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1 Higher History Assignment(30 marks)
Going from a 20 mark essay to the assignment

2 How marks are awarded Introduction and conclusion – 6 marks available
KU – 8 marks Using sources to support factors – 4 marks Analysis – 7 marks Evaluation – 5 marks

3 Introduction – 3 marks Background (3 sentences min) – remember it must be background – what was it like BEFORE women got the vote? ‘Before …’ Factors – describe your factors individually - UPDATE Firstly, pre war changes were important because…Secondly, the Suffragists helped…The Suffragettes also helped… Argument – what will you be arguing is most important and why? ‘It can be argued that although (issue in question) played a role that the most important factor was… because…’ It can be argued that (issue in question) was indeed the most important factor because

4 KU – 8 marks Hard facts, figures, names of important figures and their role etc. If its vague and contains none of the above= no marks Use KU points from class BUT Should be supplemented by own KU from books/ web No need to reference (say where you got it)

5 Acceptable/ Reliable John D Clare. Net Spartacus Educational
Any BBC History/ Higher Bitesize Site History Place. Com A- Level History Sites If you don’t understand what it is saying, don’t use it! Nazi essays – be careful the info is within your time period!

6 Analysis 7 marks Explaining how a factor addresses the issue (basic analysis) gets you up to 4/7 This looks like; ‘This is important because…’ Do this 4 times or more = 4/7 For the extra 3 marks you must show Analysis + ‘On the one hand…however on the other hand…’ Example - On the one hand the Suffragettes were successful in achieving lots of publicity and making people talk about ‘the cause’ however on the other hand they caused many men to turn against the idea of Womens’ Suffrage due to their law breaking and criminal behaviour’

7 Sources – 4 marks Use them to back up an argument, don’t just randomly shove in Your best bet in terms of time is to use quotes from historian’s books All you need to say is WHO said it & Book Name WHAT they said It is best practice to Explain them in own words too e.g. this means the Nazis would not have come to power had it not been for the Depression Sources only get marks if they are historical opinion, not facts from books e.g. ‘in 1932 The Nazis got 13.7m votes’ Important point – not all your quotes can come from one source (historian)

8 Initial Task Find four quotes which would be relevant to your essay
Write them on to your planning sheet under the paragraph heading they would refer to Write down; The full quote/ idea The Historian’s name The Book name (full name)

9 Structure A.N Other in Name of Book says “such and such” OR A.N Other in Name of Book argues that…(no need for quotation marks) This means that…

10 Writing your paragraphs
TS – One important factor in … was … K: Start with your knowledge points. New point, new sentence. It should be chronological. A: Add your Analysis and Analysis +. Try to use ‘On the one hand…On the other hand’ S: Add your sources. Use the structure below; Historian Name said ‘quote’. This shows that… i.e. AJP Taylor said ‘Only the Great Depression put the wind in the Nazi’s sails.’ This shows that the Great Depression greatly helped the Nazis in achieving power. (The book name will go on your resource sheet) Take a new sheet for every new paragraph!

11 Evaluation 5 marks E1 and 2 = 2/5 E+ = Up to 5 marks Remember;
E1/2 – evaluative comments on an isolated factor The Suffragettes could be considered the most important factor in gaining women the vote because… Pre War Changes could be considered the least important factor in women gaining the vote because… E3- 5 comparing two or more Although the Suffragists were important because… the Suffragettes were still more important because…

12 Structure for Evaluation + in your paragraph which is most important
Overall, whilst there are other important factors in *topic*, ________ is by far the most important factor because… New evidence linked to question Most important

13 Structure for Evaluation + in subsequent paragraphs
Factor in the paragraph Overall, whilst X is important because…, Y is more important because… Basic analysis not yet used Most important New evidence linked to question

14 Overall, whilst the weaknesses of Weimar were important because they proved the government to be weak and untrustworthy, economic problems were more important because these created deep seated social problems such as mass unemployment and homelessness during the Great Depression which swiftly led people to abandon democratic parties in Germany. These would both get separate evaluation marks because new evidence has been used each time! Overall, whilst propaganda was important because the Nazi’s simple posters and slogans attracted many German voters, economic problems were more important because it was only during major economic crises that people would listen to Nazi promises and slogans like ‘work and bread’ were only attractive in times of unemployment and starvation.

15 Overall, whilst the New Liberals were important because they started to convince some party members that government intervention was necessary, fears over national security were more important because there was great panic and alarm within the government that Britain could not raise enough fit young men to fight German and many worried that war with the Kaiser’s Germany was looming. These would both get separate evaluation marks because new evidence has been used each time! Overall, whilst fear of the Labour Party was important because they threatened to poach the working class votes from the Liberals, fears over national security were more important because defending the country from potential threats and enemies such as the Boers was the main role of the state and this mattered more to the government than political advantage.

16 Conclusion 3 marks Same process as 20 mark – 4 part conclusion
Start - In conclusion there were many reasons for… On the one hand _____ was important because… However on the other hand _____ was important because… Overall, ____ was the most important factor because… ______ was more important than the other factors because… (2 different pieces of evidence)

17 In conclusion, there were many reasons for women achieving the vote in (opening sentence) On the one hand, the Suffragists gained support for ‘the cause’ and gained respect from many men and politicians. On the other hand, the Suffragettes succeeded in putting ‘the cause’ on the front page and gaining nationwide publicity for votes for women. (Balance) Overall, the most important reason for women getting the vote was war work because it was only their effort in important roles like munitions in WWI that was able to convince even the most stubborn MP that women were worthy of the vote like men. (evidence 1 ) It was more important than the other factors as it is believed by many historians that it was far more respectable for politicians to ‘reward’ women with the vote in 1918 due to their colossal war effort than it would have been to enfranchise violent suffragettes if the militant suffrage campaign had returned after the war (evidence 2).

18 Putting it all together
1 - Introduction 2 - Paragraphs – one in question first (Knowledge, Analysis then sources and Evaluation if you have them for that factor) 3 – Conclusion Highlight sources!

19 Important things to remember
Too much is better than too little – cutting bits out is easier than adding bits in Don’t include things you don’t understand – you won’t be able to learn them You will have an A4 word plan on the day – so facts & figures, dates, sources etc. can go in there 250 words Type it up – easier for you to edit! Write it up – learn it as you write – YOUR CHOICE This should be your best work – you have more time, more resources, a plan and help from the teacher that you don’t have in the exam The only real difference is the length of the essay and using four sources – there is no reason why anyone should get less than 25/30 if you have made it to this stage of Higher!

20 Draft 1: Homework 5D Full draft due FRI 9 March Write up Mon 19 March
Highlight sources please Hard copy or memory stick

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