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Essential Question: How did issues of power, wealth, and morality influence exploration and colonization?  Learning Outcome: What can resources and artifacts.

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Presentation on theme: "Essential Question: How did issues of power, wealth, and morality influence exploration and colonization?  Learning Outcome: What can resources and artifacts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Essential Question: How did issues of power, wealth, and morality influence exploration and colonization?  Learning Outcome: What can resources and artifacts reveal about a region? Kickstart: Create a T-chart in your notebook and write down examples of why people want to move and examples of why people have to move.  Why might people want to move? (Pull factors) Why might people have to move (Push factors)

2 Why might people want to move? (Pull factors)
Why might people have to move? (Push factors)

3 TASK: Form a hypothesis based on the factual evidence of the ice age
TASK: Form a hypothesis based on the factual evidence of the ice age.  Did people  move because they wanted to or because they had to?

4 Motivations for Migration
What might change or be different if someone moves from one area to another?

5 Use the resources or artifacts and answer the questions.
GROUP TASK: Work in small groups Analyze images of artifacts from four different regions of North America Do not complete the last column, you will complete that later in the lesson.  Use the resources or artifacts and answer the questions.  a. What is it? How was it used? Describe the purpose or function of the resource/artifact.  b. What is this resource/artifact made out of? OR What could be made out of this resource/artifact?  c. What can this resource/artifact tell us about the life and times of the people who used it? 

6 MAKE SURE YOU!!! Pay close attention to what the resource/artifact looks like (color, texture, shape, parts, size).  What can you envision this object would have been used for (to connect, scrape, dig, clothes, shelter, kill, create, a tool, food, etc.)?  Pay attention to details from the image that may lead you to clues as to the material of the object (if you could touch it, smell it, taste it, hear it, etc.).  How did people utilize this resource? What could be created from it?  Based on this resource/artifact, what do you think peoples’ lives were like?  When do you think this resource/artifact was used? 

7 Group B Group A Group D Group C

8 What do I know about each region?
Historians draw conclusions and make decisions based on different sources of information.  TASK: Read all four excerpts to determine which one is paired to each Resource/Artifact Analysis chart you completed.  THINK: How do the descriptions of land, animals, trade goods, tools, etc., from the text match with the visual images of each resource and artifact?  What do I know about each region?  What might I need more information about?  REGIONS =  territories that are different and separate from other areas, and have their own specific characteristics. 

9 GROUP WORK: Read the region excerpts to determine the excerpt that fits their region before completing the last column of the Resource/Artifact Analysis charts.  Within your groups, discuss the process they went through to pair the resources/artifacts with the region excerpts and how the pairings were determined. 

10 EXIT TICKET: I can determine that the regions were different and affected the Native American way of life because…  I can infer that the first peoples of North America were knowledgeable and skillful because… 

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