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Baidoa District Administration
Exchange on Local Solutions to Urban Displacement Baidoa, 21 October 2018 Year IDP sites Population Where they displaced? Before Nov 2016 80 11,000 HHs Bay, Bakol regions As of Feb, 2018 As of May 2018 As of Sept 2018 323 377 371 41,325 HHs, 247,950 People 44995 HHs , People 42332 HHs, People Bay, Bakool, Gedo, Lower Shabelle and Midle Jubba regions Refugee returnees: From Kenya, Ethiopia, and Yemen From 15th Dec 2014 to April 2017, (2,136 HHs, 11,612 people arrived in Baidoa). In 2018, only one HH arrived in Baidoa. July-Sept 2018 ( 57HH) Total Returnees: 2225, people
Background/Context Baidoa has received high Volume of IDPs, Refugee returnees, and more Vulnerable hosting communities for the last two years, this has also brought huge environmental impact, Water shortage, hygiene and Sanitation. 80% of the IDPs and returnees are willing to integrate with Hosting community and starting new live in Baidoa city. Urbanisation: UNHABITAT supported series of consultations meeting held in Baidoa 2017 and supported to discuss the needs of the city on urban planning, land laws and city extension. The consultations brought together key stakeholders of the project to discuss the land law framework and the contents of the draft law for South West State of Somalia and the Baidoa city extension plan in light of the New Urban Agenda and Sustainable urban Development. The draft land law is now stage and the parliament of SWS will soon approves with the full back up from the president of SWS In the support of durable solution for displacement crisis and the New Urban Agenda Cities2030 and Sustainable Development Goals11 on cities, my office with the support of the Govt of SWS has committed in providing land to resettle the influx of IDPs in Baidoa and support unprecedented urban growth of Baidoa. The new settlement will accommodate both IDPs and Host communities to Sustainable Urbanization & Human Settlements Midnimo being the taskforce of this, IOM-CCCM and other agencies in Baidoa, better urban planning and management are ongoing.
New Township Plan And City Extension Strategies
What are the general developments in regards to urban growth (demographic developments, economy and livelihoods, city extension, infrastructure, land etc.)? Baidoa is becoming one of the over populated cities in Southern Somali, the city is growing and receiving high Volumes of Population where all rural communities are more interesting to migrate to Baidoa. a lot of private investments are ongoing in the city and livelihood support from Humanitarian aid such as cash transfers. (mobile money transfers) has contributed economic growth and money cycling of city. World bank is now working with Baidoa Municipality Somali Urban Investment Planning Project (SUIPP) the project will focus reconstruction of key urban roads, city Drainage system, Waste management, street solar lights. The procurement plan of the project, and advertisement of project Feasibility study were done by the Baidoa local Municipality and World Bank The selection of Project Implementation unit (PIU) composing Six staff ( Project Coordinator, Procurement, Finance, Engineer, and Environment ( Safe Guard) under Baidoa Municipality will run the project. The Project is inclusive project that will benefit, the IDPs, Returnees and Host Community, the project will strengthening the resilience of Baidoa City, strengthening of Municipal Governance capacity. How does the governance structure look like in Baidoa municipality –when was the council/DC elected or appointed? Baidoa DC/Mayor was appointed on 04 Jun 2015 after the president of South West state had made discussions with traditional elder, Civil societies, and government key stakeholders. DC/Mayor of Baidoa and Three Deputies were appointed as following: DC/Mayor of the City Deputy DC/Mayor for Security Deputy DC/Mayor for Admin and Finance Deputy DC/Mayor for Public Relations
Who deals with displacement related issues from the government?
Baidoa Local Government play great role for dealing with IDP issue,( eviction Mitigation, Advocating for IDP to receive HLP Rights, Provision of Land tenure for short and long term, Public Land for all public facilities as per 25 Jan 2018 on Eviction Mitigation workshop organized by Baidoa Mayor’s Office). Minister of Planning ( International coordination Level) (Policy Making SWS Strategic Plan, Drought Recovery Plan, UN, INGOs International Community Coordination) Minister of Humanitarian and Disaster Management (Policy Making on Humanitarian and Disaster management) State Minister of Resettlement and Diaspora Affairs ( Policy Making on resettlement Plan and Diaspora Affairs) South West State of Commission Refugees and IDPs ( Biometric Registration and Profiling of IDPs and Refugee Returning population) What are the partnerships, coordination structures: The main partnerships are Humanitarian aid and Development actors, Government key Ministers at Federal and State and Local Government for coordination and engagement strategy
Protection analysis and security for the sites
Baidoa Local Government has Identified public land for New IDP Sites to be relocated for IDPs in order to illuminate forceful eviction and supporting long term durable Solution and HLP rights. The protection cluster reported that the protection risk analysis is still at draft stage and will be shared in the next task force meeting on October The chair requested the protection cluster to prioritize this as its critical to do this before work commences. CCCM to follow up with protection cluster and have this completed before the next TF meeting. 2 police posts allocated for the site (North) and task force prioritized the 2 police post to be built within the current location (Hanano Area) as well as Street Solar Lights for Security Protection. Baidoa mayor has discuss with IOM RRDS to prioritize this. The draft site plan was endorsed by all the task force members unanimously Every family should have access to land, Housing, Water, Education, health and as well as livelihood opportunities and so on The map identifies all basic services that need for IDPs and vulnerable host communities.
Baidoa Traditional Community Resilience/Durable Solution Circle
Every HH in the rural areas had access the above livelihood and every one of them has its own benefits. Shelter gives the HH protection from Danger or bad weather Water for drinking, cooking, washing the clothes, bathing, and for livestock Livestock. Meat, Milk, Butter, Money and Leather, Farming for Business, Crops, raising Livestock for milk and meat, Under Ground Sorghum Storage from time to time Food and Money Poultry for Meat, eggs and Money Durable Solution needs Durable Thinking, durable thinking needs Security and Security needs implementation at FGS, FMS and at Local Governments and Community Level as well as AMISOM. In conclusion, unless stabilization should occur in Somalia durable solution will be possible to implement as such occasions.
Local Government Approaches
Influence the creation of jobs in Baidoa District , focusing on community based economic development opportunities, transportation needs and on diversifying our economy; Population growth, with a focus on: bringing back our youth into our community to work and live; encouraging our youth to stay in our community; and providing age friendly services and promote Baidoa as a place proud to call home; Review and update of current service needs of our residents while controlling costs to our residents; and periodically updating Baidoa community Action Plan. Promote and protect our established heritage, cultural and community assets and unique of Baidoa communities as well as social cohesion and social coexistence We need to think long term developmental project for local economic development such us public infrastructures (Transport Roads, Water, Electricity, Education, and Health Activation of new Municipal financial Data base System that will contribute local growth of Government Economics, Transparent and Accountability Establishing Baidoa Local Government Technical School that will provide marketable skill such as Agricultural, Livestock and other relevant skills for Baidoa Youth.
Lessons Learnt For the Last four years the State has made very good achievements security, Community mobilizations and awareness has played crucial role the stability of Baidoa and there is a concrete connection between, district Administration, Police, and Community as well as very good information sharing. Local Government has built the Social Cohesion and coexistence between 10 village leaders, Women groups, Youth, Traditional elders, religious groups, and the local Police of Baidoa District which has contributed the security of the city and the trust- ship between the government and the people of Baidoa. The Communication gap between the people and the government is the major problems for insecurity of the country ( Lack of Integration) IDPs who are settling private Land are facing eviction, So there is a need to get public land for them for long term durable solution and preventing forceful eviction.
Conflicting functions/powers between federal and states have resulted great challenges on local level and delay of the projects that need for approval. Road Blockage has made limited the access to the rural areas is causing displacement to urban cities and limiting Humanitarian access to the rural for services delivery. Land conflict in Baidoa and surrounding areas is also one of the challenges although the government is dealing with it. WAY FORWAD: The local municipality provides a public land to the IDPs when it comes construction of humanitarian facilities both permanent and temporary The local municipality provides of land tenure documents to IDPs in order to avoid forced evictions The local authority has already proposed Plans for the IDP resettlements The municipality is starting soon the provision of valid and water resistant land tenure documents which will protect the HLP rights of the vulnerable people including IDPs and Returnees
The END Abdullahi Ali Watiin District Commissioner and Mayor of Baidoa Somalia- South West State
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