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Jonathan Bates Eurostat Unit A2

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1 Jonathan Bates Eurostat Unit A2
Statistics, Telematic Networks & EDI (STNE) Working Group 5-6 October 2000 Jonathan Bates Eurostat Unit A2 Introduce self.

2 Highlights Security External HelpDesk Mandate
2-day meeting very full of business - received all the normal reports on progress in the various projects - standardisation (RDRMES, GESMES, CLASET, etc.), STATEL, STADIUM, EDIFLOW, CIRCA Also received presentations from Sweden on Government e-Link, and on a new project idea from Eurostat called MICK (Managing Integrated Co-operative Knowledge) Edited highlights - have picked out 3 items of particular interest for the IT Steering Cte.

3 ! Security TESTA II VPN Conflict Summary
Strong adverse criticism of principle Bad problems with Support and HelpDesk General preference for an internet solution VPN encouraging pilot and MS like it unhappy about the security of a closed network without encryption. ! Conflict MS like VPN; DI say “use TESTA II.” Summary MS want encryption (like VPN) and are unhappy about the security of a closed network without encryption. Discussed presentations on TESTA2 and the VPN pilot. TESTA2 was presented and defended by DG Entr. (Mr Schnitke). TESTA2 - Idea is to interconnect NSIs and other administrations through a secure network. Currently working for Austria, Belgium and France NSIs, Italy and UK Customs are Spain, Portugal and Sweden DataShops. Discussion generated a lot of adverse criticism. Not enough incentives to use TESTA, not interested in a closed network, not enough extra funcionality over the internet to be worthwhile. Also a lot of adverse comment about the support service and HelpDesk provided by the contractor, Global One. MS speaking against included - Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Sweden. General flavour was that the internet with security (possibly VPN) would be better. VPN - Ran a pilot - 3 NSIs - encouraging results - easy to do and gives good security. Next steps would be:- make even simpler, test interoperabiltiy, remote admin tools. Conflict - MS like it; DI say “use TESTA II”. Flavour of discussion - MS generally want encryption - like VPN - discussion turned back to TESTA II - unhappy about closed network without encryption (I.e. TESTA II).

4 External HelpDesk Single central point for :- Layered support
all Users all Systems Layered support existing HelpDesks remain, but as Level 2 new HelpDesk acts as filter / interface for Users Planned start date :- Early 2001 Member States’ reaction generally welcome the initiative but some questions about mode of operation Single central point - At the moment each project has its own HelpDesk. Different users have to use different HelpDesks, sometimes the same user has to use different HelpDesks for different systems, it’s not always easy to know which HelpDesk to contact. Layered support - Existing Hel[pDesks remain to provide Level 2 support; this one acts as interface. Different levels depending on the project supported. Level 0 - Received problem report and route to relevant HelpDesk and follow up; Level 1 - Attempt to resolve themselves; some phone training Level 1+ - Only report to Specific HelpDesk bugs, major problems & end user’s comments Planned start - early next year MS reaction - lot of discussion; generally positive reaction; most important question of principle about whether or not ALL calls have to be routed via the new helpdesk, or whether direct contact can still be made to known contacts. Theoretically complete control is the best way, but in practice it’s very difficult to enforce. Personal experience - it will depend entirely on how well the Help Desk performs from Day 1. If Users find that their problems are really dealt with quickly and efficiently and they are informed at all times of progress or problems, they’ll quickly find it’s easier and they’ll use it. If they find their problems disappear into a black hole, and they can jump the queue by going direct to old contacts, they’ll by-pass the new Help Desk.

5 STNE Mandate Reasons for review Method of working Key elements
6 years since they were formulated many changes since then Method of working Interactive Review Workshop drafting of proposed new mandate ‘in real time’ Key elements Where does STNE get it’s authority from? What is STNE responsible for? What authority does STNE itself have? Reason for review - 6 years since formulated, many changes in that time - technological change, formation of IT Steering Committee, no longer working on SPC yearly programme, IDA II use of Sectoral Committees, Method of working - interesting example of efficient use of new technology - enabled an initial stage of drafting by Eurostat, reviewing by STNE members, amendment by Eurostat and approval by STNE to be short cut. The document was created, reviewed and amended on screen whilst being discussed, resulting in an end product which has already got STNE approval. Key elements - (as slide)

6 STNE Mandate Working Group of IT Steering Committee ...
Recommends and implements proposals relating to IT … and standardisation Acts as the IT Sectoral Committee for IDA II ... Coordinates with other working groups, task forces and international bodies May create Task Forces if necessary Mandate should be reviewed after 2 years STNE is the working group of the IT Steering Committee responsible for communication and information technologies for the European Statistical System. STNE recommends and implements proposals relating to information technology, telematic networks, EDI, new technologies and related standardisation issues. STNE is the IDA Sectoral Committee for projects on the exchange of information and communication within the European Statistical System. Within its area of competence, STNE co-ordinates with other working groups and task forces under the auspices of the IT Steering Committee, as well as relevant international bodies. STNE may create task forces to execute or support its work. This mandate should be reviewed latest in 2002.

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