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Place of intervention and Target of Aunties

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Presentation on theme: "Place of intervention and Target of Aunties"— Presentation transcript:

1 Place of intervention and Target of Aunties

2 What the Aunty does It has happened to me
It will no longer happen to me I will not let it happen to others That’s why I am actively committed In the fight against unwanted pregnancies and HIV/AIDS

3 Where does the Aunty intervene?
First on herself On her immediate surrounding Brothers and sisters Cousins and nephews In schools Primary school Lower level of secondary and high schools The entire community will so be reached

4 Role of Aunties Sensitize on sexuality, prevention of early pregnancies and STI/HIV/AIDS, etc. Give testimonies Take care of youth in their community Counsel or give psychological support to the adolescents and lead them through their problems

5 To work well, Aunties should be
Organised Motivated Dynamic Committed Patient Tolerant Available Honest

6 Very positive effects have been noted on:
Adolescents Communities Teachers Aunties

7 Positive Effects on Adolescents
- are attentive and interested - speak freely about sexuality - learn to have self esteem and to say No no more accept gifts from unknown persons opened up to Aunties after school share the teaching received with parents Adolescents

8 Positive Effects on Aunties
- Change in behavior - Feel respected, considered - Develop plans for the future Parents go to them for advice Headmasters and principals request them Adolescents confide in them Aunties

9 Positive Effects on Teachers & Local Leaders
Aunties help teachers wipe out taboos surrounding sexuality Headmasters and principals request them Aunties teaching have positively changed the behaviour of teachers Fear of being denounced by young girls in case of misbehaviour Local leaders appreciate the work of the aunties Teachers & Local Leader

10 Thank you

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