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Mr. Arcuri’s Newsletter

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1 Mr. Arcuri’s Newsletter
August 8 – August 14 The Game Plan During our second week of school, we will continue working on our reading stamina, spelling skills, and we will begin our first vocabulary unit! Our lunch period will change starting Thursday, August 20th. Starting Thursday we will go to lunch from 12:15 – 12:45. I also encourage any students who have not purchased a planner and binder to do that as soon as possible! What We’re Practicing ELA: We will working on our decoding skills through our second list of spelling words (short vowels). We will also work on describing detailed information about a story’s plot, setting, and characters and we will begin our first vocabulary unit! Writing: We will be using sketches and prior experiences to give us ideas to write about! Math: We will be working on our addition/subtraction fluency (up to 20) as well as learning about Place Value and Comparing Numbers! Science: We will be studying weather and the important roles the Sun plays! Social Studies: We will be working with and studying maps of Florida, the United States and the Globe! e Please remember that our classroom is a Peanut-Free Classroom. As a result, no snacks or birthday treats containing peanuts should be brought into the classroom! @ Rachel Thorp 2013

2 Credits Created by Rachel Thorp @ 2013. Thank you for your purchase!
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