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Public vs Private John Doe.

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Presentation on theme: "Public vs Private John Doe."— Presentation transcript:

1 Public vs Private John Doe

2 Name some public places…
Restaurants Schools Adult Service Centre School Bus Dentist Grocery Store Swimming Pool Bowling Alley Special Olympics

3 Name some public behaviours…
Shaking hands Talking to people Eating Shopping Playing sports Recycling Riding your bike

4 Name some private places…
Bedroom Doctor’s office Nurse’s office

5 Name some private activities…
Showering Passing gas Burping Inappropriate noises Getting dressed or undressed Going to the bathroom Picking your nose Touching your private parts Hugging a friend Kissing a friend

6 Activities to avoid… People will think you are creepy when:
Touch girls in public Comment on women’s clothing Touch women’s clothing

7 John will always… John can compliment a person on their outfit one time ONLY! John can touch a piece of silk clothing when he wants to touch a persons’ clothing John will keep his hands to himself.

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