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Globe Union Industrial Corp.

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1 Globe Union Industrial Corp.

2 Main Business Kitchen Bathroom

3 Business Model Product Manufacturer Channel Distributor In-house
Own Brands 51 % 37 % product ODM Outsourcing OBM GP 41% ODM GP 25% 63 % 49 %

4 Milestone Since 1979 大家好! 非常歡迎各位蒞臨指教,現在由我來向各位介紹成霖集團.

5 GU World Wide Sites Aquanar Lenz GUCA PJH Danze Milim GUQD Gerber GULH
墨西哥 德州 雅特蘭大 印第安那州 波士頓 蒙特婁 多倫多 芝加哥 德國 義大利 北京 山東 上海 台灣 廣州 深圳 洛杉磯 重慶 Aquanar Lenz GUCA PJH Danze Milim GUQD Gerber GULH GOBO AeB GUSZ HB GUFY GUIC

6 Sales by Region Europe: 48.50% North America : 44.80% Asia: 6.2%
Others: 0.5%

7 Sales in North America 44.80% OBM : 23.80% ODM : 21.00%

8 North American / Chicago
Gerber Since 1932 Positioning: Wholesale、 Midrange 2010 Strategy Gerber Keeping enhance brand awareness Expand to Commercial market Launch Green products North American / Chicago

9 North American / Chicago
Danze Since 1999 Positioning:Retail、High-end 2010 Strategy Danze Develop Sub-brand (midrange) Reduce S&M expense North American / Chicago

10 Sales in Europe 48.50% OBM : 7.50% ODM : 41.00%

11 PJH Positioning: Distributor、Midrange to high-end 2010 Strategy
Since 1972 Positioning: Distributor、Midrange to high-end 2010 Strategy PJH Penetrate the building materials market Speed IPO from China to reduce purchase cost Launch Green products UK

12 Lenz Positioning: Retail、Midrange to high-end 2010 Strategy
Since 1930 Positioning: Retail、Midrange to high-end 2010 Strategy Expand to EU Market ( France, N. Europe) Extend to Brass 、VC Products Lenz European

13 Sales in Asia & Other 6.70% OBM : 5.70% ODM : 1.00%

14 Home Boutique Positioning: Agent of world’s top brands
Since 1979 Positioning: Agent of world’s top brands HB Shanghai 2010 Strategy HB TW:The performance of 2010 keeps flat Introduce more brands Build 3 new flagship store in Beijing、Qingdao、Shanghai 2010~2011 : 110million capital injection Home Boutique Taiwan / China

15 GOBO Positioning:Distributor for China market 2010 Strategy
Since 1993 Positioning:Distributor for China market 2010 Strategy Strengthen brand power (product mix、reputation) Expand to second tire city & rural area Store expansion (185 store→ 210 store) GOBO China

16 Brass Factory GUQD GULH GUSZ GUFY Huabei Brass factory 2010 Strategy
2010: 210 million capital injection to expand Huanan Brass factory 2010 Strategy Cost benefit from factory combination GUSZ GUFY

17 VC Factory Milim 2010年 Strategy
Purchase automated equipment to raise capacity Seek for outsourcing supplier or acquire VC factory 2010 : 73 million capital injection to expand

18 Thank you 謝謝 ! One Family, One vision Confidential & Proprietary

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