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Aim: How did Ancient Egyptians contribute to the modern world?

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1 Aim: How did Ancient Egyptians contribute to the modern world?
Tuesday – October 22, Mr. Lombardi Aim: How did Ancient Egyptians contribute to the modern world? Do Now: What inventions from today do you think will still be used 3,000 years from now? Why?

2 COMMON ERA Common Era (also Current Era or Christian Era), abbreviated as CE, is an alternative naming of the traditional calendar era, Anno Domini (abbreviated AD). BCE is the abbreviation for Before the Common/Current/Christian Era (an alternative to Before Christ, abbreviated BC). The CE/BCE designation uses the year-numbering system introduced by a 6th-century Christian monk, who started the Anno Domini designation, intending the beginning of the life of Jesus to be the reference date. Neither notation includes a year zero, and the two notations (CE/BCE and AD/BC) are numerically equivalent; thus "2013 CE" corresponds to "AD 2013", and "399 BCE" corresponds to "399 BC".

3 The Geography of Egypt

4 Egyptian Contributions
We will read side 1 together as a class “popcorn” style Highlight important information as we read. Answer questions 1 and 2 on your own in full sentences. Complete side 2 with a partner.

Egyptian Contributions to modern Society Explain the function of each contribution and its importance. CALENDARS PYRAMIDS MATHEMATICS, SCIENCE & MEDICINE HIEROGLYPHICS PAPYRUS

6 Mesopotamia Egypt

7 Summary How did Ancient Egyptians contribute to the modern world?
Why is it important to study the Ancient River Valley Civilizations?

8 Looking forward… We have studied Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. The other two civilizations are Ancient India and Ancient China (The Indus and Yellow River Valley Civilizations, respectively). What inferences can you make about: each civilization’s geography? each civilization’s contributions? How will The Indus and Yellow River Valley Civilizations compare/contrast to Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt?

9 Regents Prep

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