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Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Course Repetition Credit and Noncredit Mark Wade.

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Presentation on theme: "Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Course Repetition Credit and Noncredit Mark Wade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Course Repetition Credit and Noncredit Mark Wade Lieu Pat Mosteller Wheeler North

2 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 ASCCC resolutions and discussion Late 80s - support for more repetition for fine and performing arts courses S07 6.04 - opposed regulation specifically addressing noncredit repetition limits without broader system discussion No formal resolution - general support for additional apportionment for repetition to address a substandard grade

3 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 ASCCC resolutions and discussion F06 9.11 - clarification that colleges can allow for additional repetition to address substandard grade without apportionment - use of highest grade for GPA calculation Forestalling LAO/DOF concerns about apportionment for taking the same course Current regulation is silent about apportionment limitations for withdrawals on noncredit courses

4 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55024: withdrawal Districts may allow withdrawals Withdrawals interact with repetitions Once a grade is recorded Ws = repetitions Allowed between 30% to 75% of term Prior to 20% faculty are required to drop Limit = 4 but district can allow more without colleting apportionment Key point is enrollments and intervention

5 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55024: withdrawal MWs Military withdrawals are allowed Of interest to note: the student must notify the faculty prior to dropping §55024(a)(4) Discrimination, potential discrimination or retaliation §55024(a)(8) Must have this policy to provide for removal of W

6 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55040: district repetition policy June 15 th changes completely revamped Article 4 (§55040-§55046) §55040 requires policy adoption Provides several definitions Lays out seven cases where repetition is allowed. (§55041- §55045, §55253, §56029)

7 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55041: repeatable courses Mandated training Content changes with each offering Activity courses Enhancement of skills Active participatory experience All grades are calculated in the GPA

8 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55042: course repetition to alleviate substandard academic work Allows for student to petition to repeat a course previously failed May repeat twice if first repeat also substandard Ws count after grade is recorded Disregard prior grade in GPA Collect apportionment both repeats

9 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55043: repetition due to lapse of time Recency prerequisite Prior grade may be disregarded

10 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55044: repetition of variable unit courses on open entry/open exit basis Can repeat segments previously untaken Cannot repeat beyond this except where allowed by §55040 For PE courses each enrollment counts as a repetition under §55041

11 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55045: repetition due to extenuating circumstances Petition must be filed Previous grade may be disregarded

12 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 55253: repetition in occupational work experience courses Courses base hours of work experience into units earned Repetition limitation is based upon units earned unless college offers more than one course

13 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 56029: repetition due to student disability accommodations Requires district policy/procedure

14 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 58161: apportionment for course repetition Sets forth the conditions for apportionment due to course repetition Parallels §55040- §55045 Allows repetition beyond apportionment allowance Does not allow apportionment beyond repeatable course limitations

15 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Title 5 – As it Stands Now Section 58161.7: repetition of noncredit courses History No limits for noncredit repetition, because…. SB 361 (Changes made to Title 5, enhanced funding, CDCP, Certificate Programs) Changes to Title 5 opens the door to examine current policy DoF questioned non credit repetition practices System Office formed a committee to study repetition Noncredit and system office review and research to make recommendations for Title 5 changes (or not?)

16 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Noncredit Repetition Committee In process (Spring 2009 target) Tasked with defining repetition and completion (Is it possible?) 9 + 1 noncredit categories (new - CDCP) Review current practices and available data Maintenance vs. Mastery Evidence, data collection and conclusions

17 Academic Senate for California Community Colleges – 2008 Curriculum Institute – July 11 th 9:00-10:30 Implementing the new repetition and withdrawal regulations Timeline Withdrawal Limit Effective July 2009 Many districts already have limits Repetition changes Effective June 16 th 180 days to implement Interaction Ws act as repetition if prior letter grade is recorded Repetition counts when record must occur Questions

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