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Criteria for Tactics, Considerations, A planning Method, Checklist, Using the Strategy Chart to Play A Guide to tactics.

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Presentation on theme: "Criteria for Tactics, Considerations, A planning Method, Checklist, Using the Strategy Chart to Play A Guide to tactics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criteria for Tactics, Considerations, A planning Method, Checklist, Using the Strategy Chart to Play
A Guide to tactics

2 Think Strategically Tactics must be based in strategy What works for one group may not work for another Remember important CRITERIA

3 Criteria for tactics Focused on the Primary or Secondary Target of the Campaign Puts power behind specific demand (example candlelight vigil to save whales?) Meets organizational goals as well as issue goals (builds organization at the same time as winning the issue) It is outside the experience of the target It is within the experience and comfort zone of members

4 Considerations in popular tactics
Petition Drives Petition Power comes from: 1. Numbers 2. Strategic Location and Timing 3. Organized Follow-up Elected officials (especially if victory was narrow) Coming from right people (officials: voters, business owners: customers) Petition presented just before election, not after

5 Petition Tips Short message Large, legible names and signatures
Get contact info and volunteers Quantity over quality (don’t spend time educating at this point) Teamwork! Is more fun and builds confidence Always make copies!

6 Letter writing Mail in letters prior to meeting official AND hand over more at meeting to make a strong impression If audience is sitting, use letters This represents larger commitment from writer

7 Letter writing tips Sample text – no more than 3 sentences
Include return address Address envelope, ask for and accept donations Combine letter writing with selling something, and spread letter mailing out over a week’s time

8 Turnout events The CORE of organizing
For a community group, phoning is best General Rule: of people who say YES to coming on 2nd call, ½ will actually come

9 Turnout tips Don’t start with “Hello, Ms. Garskof. You are on a list.”
Stress past connection Mention a previous success Indicate that person will play a role Talk about why person is needed Everyone will go together Get definite commitment Indicate a reminder and follow through

10 Turnout tips continued
Communicate message in 3 different ways: Mailings Posters Leaflets Announcement at other community events At event, make effort to introduce everyone. Use nametags. Make your events fun and exciting and get press! Have something memorable that will be talked about in the future.

11 Tips for Visits with public officials
Try to meet with elected officials rather than appointed ones Know most recent election results Only recruit people you know/only have several spokespeople Come with specific demand Remember your forms of power: Numbers, contributors, influential people, embarrass official for not acting in interest of community, official is yielding to pressure/money Pin down official to a specific agreement get another meeting if you can’t get agreement

12 Hold your own public hearing
Public hearings Hold your own public hearing “Official” hearings

13 Holding your own public hearing
1st victory (objective) is getting official to come to hearing It is FUN to do! Advantages to holding your own hearing Establishes group as force/authority on issue Opportunity to reach other groups/individuals/neighborhoods Shows off influential supporters Showcase potential candidate Display of numbers Easily controlled Good training for leaders, will probably get media coverage

14 Tips for holding your own hearing
Remember to present the case, not all sides of it Group must be 100+ members Fill every seat and more Get contact info from all in attendance Prepare testimony in advance Bring letters and petitions Appoint one press person to give out release Close with a rousing statement and give everyone something to do after the event


16 Official hearing Used to open debate, delay decision, create an arena to show strength Try to get it on your turf when people can attend (neighborhood building at night?) Official hearings are boring and you may end up waiting Use humor if/when possible Example: public housing tenants brought mice to City Council hearing

17 Tips for attending an official hearing
Be identifiable as a group Set up table for new supporters with info on issue At very large events, bring “applause managers” so everyone knows who is in agreement Give members talking points and assign when each will talk Bring posters / large signs If possible, get commitments on the spot (this works esp if audience is very large)

18 Mass Demonstrations Must be increasing if continued
Should be combined with direct lobbying Creates a strong recognizable reputation Pick a good high-traffic location Can be energizing for group Marches, parades, rallies, picketing, sit-ins, vigils, street theater

19 Accountability Sessions
Meeting held with an elected official where you control agenda Say why you want the official to support you Panel of leaders make demands Success is dependant on numerical strength shown in relation to election margin of victory You want high numbers and/or representatives of high numbers on panel

20 Educational meetings and teach-ins
Not only should this educate, but should get publicity and show strength One speaker, give direction on what everyone can do Not necessary to show other side Remember to always take up collection with 5+ people

21 Civil disobedience and Arrest
Never an end, but a way to move forward Use careful strategy, make sure objectives match long-term goals Effective when: Constituency is comfortable Visible leadership roles available for those who can’t participate Tactic demonstrates power to target/secondary target (takes away something they need)

22 Boycotts To be successful, must be a moral issue of national or international importance Product that: Everyone buys frequently Easily identifiable Non-essential (or there is substitute) Thread is more powerful than weapon- don’t threaten without intending on follow-through

23 The Underlying Structure of Organizations
Organizing models:

24 The Model is the Architecture of the organization
Organizer must pay attention to the plan for building the structure of an organization Organizers should have an idea of what the organization will look like and how it will function upon organizing. Answer to “What,” not “How” or “Why” Example: What is the model? We will have 30 individual members.

25 The 4 elements of the model
Function – what is it? Win issues? Win elections? Geographic Basis of Organization Neighborhood? Housing development? Citywide? Membership Basis Individuals? Coalition? Funding Base Used to define model Where does money come from?

26 Model must be clear and internally consistant
Four Case Histories: The Case of the Ambiguous Tenant Organization The Case of the Superfluous Office The Case of Statewide Coalition with Local Chapters The Case of the Coalition That Started a Coalition

27 The case of the ambiguous tenant organization
Housing organization- unclear about service model and organizing model Man with problem came to organizer, was recommended to get Legal Assistance 2 ways to handle this: Organizing model: were others experiencing similar problems? All tenants should act Service model: staff should have assisted with Legal Assistance

28 The Case of the Superfluous Office
Nat’l organization based on model of individual members in local chapters Working on passage of nat’l legislation Local chapters focused on corresponding districts Decision to set up regional offices Region has no political jurisdiction- no common targets

29 The Case of the Superfluous Office
Problem was model vs. program Program at regional level was not meaningful to reach local and state objectives Members could not see the point in spending money on regional office- state perhaps?

30 The case of the statewide coalition with local chapters
Model: Formal coalition membership of statewide citizen organizations Function: pass legislation and elect legislators Board set up local community chapters, local issues Not consistent with original statewide objectives Group must pick between state/local issues

31 The case of the coalition that started a coalition
Model: Informal coalition Function: passing legislation Created a new coalition for a specific issue New coalition was successful and eventually wanted independence Original coalition created an independent organization not tied to original goals

32 The case of the inconsistent board
Very informal coalition, community-based organization Board members from previous and existing organizations and individuals not affiliated with anyone Divisions over how/where to spend money Membership must be considered- individual or organization (coalitions)

33 Thank You The End

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