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Southeastern Virginia Areawide Model Program Inc

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1 Southeastern Virginia Areawide Model Program Inc
Southeastern Virginia Areawide Model Program Inc. T/A Senior Services of Southeastern VA Area Plan for Aging Services Update Public Hearing June 13, 2019

2 The National Aging Network
One Federal Agency 50 State Units on Aging 622 AAA’s. 55% Government 39% Private Non-Profit 05% Other

3 Purpose of the Public Hearings
Opportunity for input on the needs of seniors and caregivers Presentation of priorities for FY2019 Area Plan for Aging Services Public input on the area plan priorities

Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia Vision, Mission, Value Proposition VISION: We envision a community that empowers, respects, and values seniors and their caregivers. MISSION: To provide seniors and their caregivers with access to programs and services so they may live with choice and dignity in their communities. VALUE PROPOSITION: We are your personalized one-stop resource for senior services. OUR CORPORATE VALUES: COURAGE, TRUST, RESPECT, RESULTS

5 Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia STRATEGIC PRIORITIES
Maintain viability of financial growth, quality, relevance Be the resource to aging adults and their caregivers. Be the recognized thought leader for senior services. Expand strategic partnerships.

6 STRATEGIC GOALS Strategic Goal 1: Maintain, grow, improve access and awareness to programs and services that are relevant to the needs of a diverse population. Strategic Goal 2: Improve the effectiveness of the staff and board to maintain day-to-day efficiencies as well as effective corporate governance. Strategic Goal 3: Ensure that Senior Services’ impact is sustainable over the long term.

7 Established 1972 - Independent 501 (c)(3) Non-Profit Organization
Fourth Area Agency on Aging in U.S.A. Federal & State Legal Designation Local Public and Private Sector Support & Governance Staff: 98 People 59 Full Time 39 Part Time 71% Female 70% Minority 47% Over age 55 FY2019 Estimated Budget = $7,500,000* Not Confirmed

8 South Hampton Roads 60+ Population
Age, Veterans, Live Alone, Poverty Race, Ethnicity, Gender 205,597 = 60+ 35,726 = 65+ Veterans 33,025 = 65+ Live lone Poverty 60+: Franklin: % Norfolk: % SH County % Portsmouth: % Suffolk: % IoW County % Chesapeake % Virginia Beach % Female = 50% Male = 50% White = 59% Black = 33% Latino = 6% Asian = 4% 60+ Growth Rate 2018 = 205,597 2030 = 304,412 48%

9 Public Policy Framework for Improving Population Health
Tarlov AR. Public policy frameworks for improving population health. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1999; 896:

10 Services to Be Continued
ADRC Care Coordination Care Transitions Communication, Referral & Information Commonwealth Coordinated Care + Elder Abuse Prevention Legal Services Long Term Care Ombudsman Community Education As You Wish - Advance Care Planning Center for Aging Partners Coastal Virginia Senior News Public Information & Education The Art of Healthy Aging In-Home Stabilization Adult Day Care Meals on Wheels Homemaker Personal Care Respite Care Senior Companions Counseling & Application Assistance Energy Assistance Food Stamps Medicare Medicaid Social Security Supplemental Security Income Veteran’s Benefits Referral

11 Services to Be Continued
Planning and Advocacy Livable Community Consultation Senior Service Program Development Coalition Building Regional Leadership Transit ADA – Suffolk Adult Day Care Transit I-Ride Contract I-Ride Fixed Route I-Ride Medical Non-Emergency Medical Transit Planning Western Tidewater Community Transportation Collaborative Wellness Wellness Centers Nutrition Education Chronic Disease Self Management Diabetes Self Management Enhance Fitness Home Meds Matter of Balance

12 Services to Be Expanded
Advocacy and education Care giver support Transportation Customer service and internal communication Care Coordination Care Transitions Re-Branding Senior Centers

13 New Services Caregiver Support/Resource Center
‘Warm handoff’ Referral System Veterans Directed Home and Community Based Services Hayden Village Center Hampton Roads No Wrong Door Connectivity Project

14 Total Budget

15 Revenue by Source

16 Where the money goes?

17 2019 Area Plan for Aging Services Public Hearing
Courage, Respect, Trust, Results 2019 Area Plan for Aging Services Public Hearing WRITTEN COMMENTS ACCEPTED UNTIL JUNE 30, 2018 Point of Contact: Maxine Scott, Executive Assistant Senior Services of Southeastern Virginia 6350 Center Drive, Ste. 101 Norfolk, VA

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