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Presentation on theme: "Structure of the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH of the U.S. GOVERNMENT."— Presentation transcript:


2 3.1

3 Structure of the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH of the U.S. GOVERNMENT

4 congress (with a small “c”)
Def: a formal meeting at which representatives discuss matters of common concern

5 representative (with a small “r”)
a person appointed or elected to act or speak for others

6 house (with a small “h”)
a place where people assemble

7 Congress (with a capital “C” )
the assembly of citizens elected to make laws for the nation called the UNITED STATES.


9 Congress (with a capital “C” )
This assembly meets in Washington, D.C. ...

10 …in a building called the U.S. Capitol

11 The Capitol has 2 meeting areas:
for the 2 types of representatives… > the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES > the SENATE

12 the House

13 the Senate

14 House Senate

15 535 representatives meet in the Capitol

16 the House has 435 members

17 The House of Representatives
Minimum Age for a U.S. Representative is 25! U.S. Citizen for 7 years Term for a U.S. Representative is 2 Years Must live in the state they represent

18 the Senate has 100 members

19 The Senate Minimum Age for a Senator is 30!
The Term for a Senator is 6 years U.S. Citizen for at least 9 years Must live in the state they represent

20 House Senate

21 Each state sends representatives to Congress...
But the total number is not the same for each state

22 The total House membership always stays at 435.
States with a large population get to send more representatives to the House The total House membership always stays at 435.

23 All states send two representatives to the Senate.
The total Senate membership stays at 100 until another state is added.

24 The representatives to the Senate are called “Senators”
The representatives to the House of Representatives are called “Representatives” The representatives to the Senate are called “Senators”

25 Congress is “bicameral”...
Because it has 2 legislative houses.


27 review

28 Def: having two legislative houses
bicameral Def: having two legislative houses

29 congress Def: a formal meeting at which representatives discuss matters of common concern

30 Def: the U.S. Senate plus the U.S. House of Representatives
Congress Def: the U.S. Senate plus the U.S. House of Representatives

31 representation is based on equal number of representatives
Senate Def: (upper house) representation is based on equal number of representatives (2 per state = 100)

32 House of Representatives
Def: (lower house) representation is based on population of each state (435)

33 the U.S. Capitol

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