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Warm Up & Announcements

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1 Warm Up & Announcements
Make sure you did your short answer from last class on the padlet. Your persuasive essay (worth 35% of your grade will be on Monday, December 8th. There will be no in class revisions for this essay. If you need help or a review, please see me. Your writer’s notebooks will be checked next class (Thursday). Make sure you have it with you. Remember, these are a test grade this six weeks.

2 Chapter 8 As you read: Highlight/ mark for these things…
Figurative Language I Imagery C Characterization. Look for information about the characters.

3 Share with your group Each group member will share at least two quotes that they marked. (person with the darkest socks goes first).

4 Chapter 8 Writer’s notebook reflection
How has Beah changed from the beginning of the war to how he is in chapter 8. Use quotes to back up your inferences. (APE format)

5 As you read for chapter 9:
We’re going to start looking for themes emerging in the novel. As you read, highlight quotes that you think reveal the theme. Be sure to label your highlights with what thematic idea they reveal and what type of literary device they are an example of. After this chapter, there is a short answer quiz related to theme.

6 Share with your group! Each group member will share at least one quotes that they marked. Make sure you explain what theme it shows & WHY you chose it. (person with the darkest hair goes first).

7 “A Long Way Gone" Chapter 9 Short Answer Quiz
Short Answer (OER): What is one theme you see emerging in this chapter? Use evidence from the text to back up your answer. (Remember, use the APE- Answer, Prove, Explain format.) Please type your answer into the form here:

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