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Incorporating RFID Technology into Airport Checkpoints

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1 Incorporating RFID Technology into Airport Checkpoints
Senior Project – Computer Engineering Incorporating RFID Technology into Airport Checkpoints By Dan Spoor and John Kraemer Advisor Professor Rudko Current Time Based System Objectives Improve Throughput and Efficiency Decrease Cost Improve security Implementation of RFID based Routing Total Cost RFID reader and antenna costs $2400 retail. This is a vast improvement over Lockheed time-based system which it estimates at costing between $5000 and $6000. Efficiency Alien technologies tags are not sensitive to tag orientation. Because of the propagation patterns of the Alien technology antennas, an antenna on the right side of the system will never read a tag from a person standing on the left side of the system, and vice-versa Because UHF tags are being used, the person would have to stand over 15 feet away from the system for the antenna to not read the tags. Throughput Security personnel can re-scan luggage without disrupting the diversion mechanism since it is no longer time based Security System can be easily modified with more antennas to ensure that a person does not exit the system with someone else’s luggage. Future Work Physically assemble the project Further improvement by providing RFID antennas at various locations throughout the airport and having them communicate with each other

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