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Stop Notice and Note Foldable

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1 Stop Notice and Note Foldable
We will be making a foldable using 3 sheets of paper: Copyright © by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Layered-Look Book 1. Stack three sheets of paper so that the back sheet is one inch higher than the second sheet, and the 2nd sheet is 1inch higher than the 3rd sheet. 2. Fold up the bottom edges of the paper to form six tabs. Align the edges so that all of the layers or tabs are the same distance apart. 3. When all tabs are the same size, crease the paper to hold the tabs in place and Staple the sheet at the top catching all the layers in the staple.

2 FOLDABLE: Each sheet will now hold the information for each different topic. Here are the Labels that will go on the one inch portion that is showing: 1. Contrast and Contradiction 2. “A-Ha” Moment 3. Tough Question 4. Words of the Wiser 5. Again and Again 6. Memory Moment Contrast and Contradiction “A-ha” Moment Tough Question Words of the Wiser

3 Contrast and Contradiction
When you’re reading and a character says or does something that’s opposite (contradicts) what he has been saying or doing all along, You should stop and ask yourself: “Why is the character doing that?” The answers could help you make a prediction or make an inference about the plot and conflict.

4 “A-HA” MOMENT When you’re reading and suddenly a character realizes, understands, or finally figures something out, You should stop and ask yourself: “How might this change things?” If the character figured out a problem, you probably just learned something about the conflict. If the character understood a life lesson, you probably just learned the theme.

5 TOUGH QUESTIONS When you’re reading and the character asks himself a really difficult question, You should stop and ask yourself: “What does this question make me wonder about?” The answers will tell about the conflict and might give you ideas about what will happen later in the story.

6 WORDS OF THE WISER When you’re reading and a character (who’s probably older and lots wiser) takes the main character aside and gives serious advice, You should stop and ask yourself: “What’s the life lesson, and how might it affect the character?” Whatever the lesson is, you’ve probably found a theme for the story.

7 AGAIN AND AGAIN When you’re reading and a word is repeated, or sometimes used in an odd way, over and over in the story, or an image reappears several times during the course of the book You should stop and ask yourself: “Why might the author bring this up again and again?” The answers will tell about the conflict Plot, Setting, Symbolism, Theme, Character development.

8 MEMORY MOMENT When you’re reading and the author interrupts the action to tell you a memory, You should stop and ask yourself: “Why might this memory be important?” The answers will tell you about the theme, conflict, or might foreshadow what will happen later in the story.

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