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Green pen homework What are the key learning points?

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Presentation on theme: "Green pen homework What are the key learning points?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Green pen homework What are the key learning points?

2 Extended essay CUS the question
Divide the question and bullet point a plan Knowledge Application (example) Evaluate / Analyse (worth / break down into components) Synoptic – what else can you include?

3 Coursework – Homework Choose one of the psychological areas reviewed so far for your coursework. Outline how this contributed to your area for development – Theory Example: Arousal - over arousal (Theories etc)

4 Example structure Key points Evaluation: Cause
We will write a number next to each point where you have referred to the theory in sufficient depth We will write the word ‘LINK ‘where you’ve linked the theory to your scenario and a double tick where you have stated what effect this had. – Aim for in excess of 12 to show depth Correction Have you done the following? Name the aspect of the syllabus Eg Evaluation of arousal Cause – Identify a psychological aspect as discussed Outline the theory – cover all aspects and include diagrams Link the theory with the performance identified in your earlier analysis Be very specific and include technical language For example, I did not time my slide tackle due to cognitive overload. I missed cues because I was concerned I was being observed by my coach or I received too much feedback from my coach and I therefore did not pick up the relevant cue of moving the ball to the outside and I lunged out as opposed to wait for the ball to be present etc


6 Page 94 Book 2 What is the difference between state and trait confidence? Pg 95 Characteristics of self efficacy, self confidence and self esteem

7 Make notes and link this to your sport

8 Key terms Page 95


10 Characteristics Low self efficacy High self efficacy

11 Bandura’s model – Page 197

12 How does self efficacy affect you?
Choice of activity Amount of effort applied Level of persistence

13 Task You are the Happy’s coach. He is going through a rough patch and is showing signs of low levels of self efficacy. Using Bandura’s model how could you turn this around. Discuss in pairs and then write four paragraphs.

14 Strategies to develop high levels of self efficacy

15 Timed essay

16 2018 examination question

17 Home and away - Videos Advantages Disadvantages

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