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Transition from year 5 into year 6 ( )

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Presentation on theme: "Transition from year 5 into year 6 ( )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition from year 5 into year 6 (2017-18)
What does it mean for my child?

2 Will the classes be split again?
YES. As with every year group, they do a friendship list and are guaranteed at least one friend in their class. More like secondary in year 6 (form class)

3 Are there more than two teachers in year 6?
YES. Mr Davies and Mrs Pankhurst are the two class teachers and there is Miss Perfitt who also teaches in year 6 (in all probability there will be additional teacher/s at various points throughout the year)

4 Are there any intervention groups in year 6?
YES. As well as there being smaller classes in year 6 (minimum of three teachers) for reading, writing and maths there is intervention groups in the afternoon and in the run up to SATs there will be morning interventions too

5 Is everything in year 6 all about SATs?
No. but it is mentioned a lot! We have 3 “mock sats” during the year , the final one even includes a breakfast club! We also discuss test techniques throughout the year! By the time the “real” sats come around- the children wonder what all the fuss is about

6 Will there be any homework during the summer holidays?
Yes ! “6 for 6” GPS and writing resources, amongst others !

7 45 minutes in year 6 – in preparation to life at secondary school
Lunch times 45 minutes in year 6 – in preparation to life at secondary school

8 Extra Responsibilities
Include – prefects and assembly duties (as well as being role models ) PE kits and letters home etc

9 Are there any questions?

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