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Welcome to Year 5! Thank you for coming!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Year 5! Thank you for coming!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Year 5! Thank you for coming!
Year 5 Teachers Mrs Ramji Mrs Chauhan Learning Support Assistants Mrs Sanghera Mrs Rai

2 Welcome ! What is today’s meeting about?
This morning, we hope to inform you a little more about the Year 5 Curriculum and routines. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask at the end of the session or make an appointment to meet with us.



5 Year 5 Curriculum The half termly newsletter will provide information about topics we will be learning about. It was given to the children on Monday. Parents/Carers etc are welcome to come in and share their experience or expertises of something linked with our Year 5 topics. We also invite Parents/Carers into school to participate in various activities to do with our curriculum. e.g. class assembly, end of year performance, carol singing, outdoor learning, planting, reading, enterprise week etc Please support and encourage your child’s interest in the term topics- go to the library, research on the internet, visit places, fact file, collage.

6 Our Weekly Time table Share timetable.
Explain that we are teaching subjects discreetly now – moved away from the topic based learning but still involving the creative aspects. Reflected in the half termly curriculum maps.

7 Year 5 Literacy Curriculum
We will be concentrating heavily on self-assessment, (self- checking, proof-reading, editing and improving in order to create work that is both readable and entertaining/informative). Stronger emphasis on vocabulary development, grammar, punctuation and spelling.  Continue to raise the profile of Handwriting- it is expected to be cursive, fluent, legible and speedy. Spoken English has a greater emphasis, the children will be taught debating and presenting skills. Reading continues to be very important in Year 5. Please encourage your child to read daily and support them to read a range of texts. ( Poetry, Newspapers, Biographies, Diaries, Fiction, Non Fiction etc)

8 Year 5 Mathematics Curriculum
Times tables- the inverses Arithmetic- working out on paper-no calculator is permitted Mental Maths Using and applying knowledge to solve problems through Reasoning

9 What can children do at home to make further progress?
Complete all Homework to a very high standard Daily reading- Reading Records and using the Reading cards in order to reflecting on their reading Learn weekly spellings- Diary Practise times tables Practise mental maths and maths through the Mangahigh website Watch Newsround Use the BugClub website to develop reading skills

10 Year 5 – Daily Routines At the end of the day students will be brought into the playground by their class teacher. Please inform the teacher before taking your child. If someone else is collecting your child, you must inform the school office or teacher prior to collection. You may be required to complete a form as well. We expect all students in full school uniform every day; should for any reason your child be missing a part of their uniform please let the class teacher know and replace it as soon as possible. Please note black trainers are not part of the uniform.

11 General reminders Due day Spellings in the Diary Monday
Diary signed and HW recorded Reading Record (minimum 4 comments) Friday HW Spellings Test Science in the Secondary School Tuesday Library Books PE Kits- remove or cover jewellery Mental Maths Test Monday HW Wednesday Punjabi and ICT Thursday Wednesday HW Friday VIP, Writer of the Week Award & Gold Ticket Uniform- ties, chunni, shoes (not trainers) Every week day Water bottle Maths Award and Teacher Award At the end of every half term Termly Newsletter Beginning of every half term

12 Older years may wish to discuss this further – particularly year 6

13 Future dates Parent consultation will be on Wednesday 18th and Thursday 19th October. TBC

14 Pupil premium If you receive any of the following, the school may be entitled to receive funds on your child’s behalf. Please complete the online eligibility check if you are in receipt of any of the following: Income Support Income-based Jobseekers Allowance Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 The guaranteed element of the State Pension Credit Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16, 190) Working Tax Credit run on- paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit Universal Credit. Please ask for a step by step guide explaining how to complete the check before you leave.

15 Pupil premium- what is the funding used for?
To provide extra training for staff. To set up booster classes for pupils. To invest in resources to further pupil’s progress. Ultimately, to further pupil’s education and achievement.

16 Thank You! We hope you have found today informative.
We hope we can work together in partnership so that your child can reach their full potential. Any questions or queries please do not hesitate to make an appointment to see us or if possible we can speak today.

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