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WHAT IS LIGHT? Light is a form of energy!

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Presentation on theme: "WHAT IS LIGHT? Light is a form of energy!"— Presentation transcript:

1 WHAT IS LIGHT? Light is a form of energy!
Energy-the ability to make something move, happen, or change.

2 LIGHT How It Works

3 HOW LIGHT MOVES Light travels away from the light source.
Light travels in a straight Line unless altered by what it is moving through.

4 LIGHT SCATTERS Light is released and spreads in all directions.
Light looses energy the further away it moves from its source.

5 When Light Strikes an Object
The light can be: Reflected Refracted Absorbed Transmitted

6 REFLECTION VIDEO Student Videos:
Laws of Reflection

7 REFLECTION When light is reflected, it bounces back from a surface.
Reflection allows objects to be seen that do not produce their own light. For example, a mirror or a pool of water, it is reflected so that a reflection can be seen that looks very similar to the object seen with light reflected directly from it.

8 Light bounces off surface at same angle it hits.
REFLECTION Light bounces off surface at same angle it hits.

9 REFRACTION VIDEO Student Videos:
Refraction of Light

10 REFRACTION When light is refracted it passes from one type of transparent material to another, and changes direction.

11 REFRACTION When a straw is viewed in water, light passes from the water to the air causing the path of the light to bend. When the light bends, the straw appears distorted (bent or broken)

12 ABSORPTION When light is absorbed it does not pass through or reflect from a material. It remains in the material as another form of energy. Light Absorption video

13 TRANSMISSION light going through an object (the type of object is called the medium?

14 TRANSMISSION: Terms for mediums
Transparent- allows all light through. Translucent- allows some light through. Opaque- allows no light through.

Instructional Videos: - Translucent, Transparent, Opaque

16 Transparent A transparent material allows light to pass through it because it is not absorbed or reflected. Objects can be seen clearly when viewed through transparent materials. Air, glass, and water are examples of materials that are transparent.

17 Translucent A translucent material scatters or absorbs some of the light that strikes it and allows some of the light to pass through it. Objects appear as blurry shapes when viewed through translucent materials. Waxed paper and frosted glass are examples of materials that are translucent.

18 Opaque An opaque material does not allow light to pass through, light is either reflected from or absorbed by an opaque material. Wood, metals, and thick paper are examples of materials that are opaque.


20 TRANSMISSION: Terms for mediums

21 REVIEW Light with Matter
light bouncing off light bending light absorbed light going through REFLECTION REFRACTION ABSORBTION TRANSMISSION

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