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An Expanding Nation By: Liul Taddese #13.

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Presentation on theme: "An Expanding Nation By: Liul Taddese #13."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Expanding Nation By: Liul Taddese #13

2 The Transcontinental Railroad
People thought the best way to the East and the West was to build the transcontinental railroad. Most of the workers were immigrants from Europe and China. Union Pacific started building in the West of Omaha, Nebraska and the Central Pacific started in the East of Sacramento, Califonia.

3 The Gold Rush In the gold rush, people went to California to look for gold. Mining for gold would reguired long hard days and patience. There was an enough people to make California a state.

4 Cowboys

5 Effects of the Railroads and Gold Rush

6 War in the West

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