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Simultaneous Buffer Insertion and Wire Sizing Considering Systematic CMP Variation and Random Leff Variation Lei He1, Andrew Kahng2, King Ho Tam1, Jinjun.

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Presentation on theme: "Simultaneous Buffer Insertion and Wire Sizing Considering Systematic CMP Variation and Random Leff Variation Lei He1, Andrew Kahng2, King Ho Tam1, Jinjun."— Presentation transcript:

1 Simultaneous Buffer Insertion and Wire Sizing Considering Systematic CMP Variation and Random Leff Variation Lei He1, Andrew Kahng2, King Ho Tam1, Jinjun Xiong1 1Univ. of California, Los Angeles 2Blaze DFM, Inc. & Univ. of California, San Diego Sponsors: 1NSF CAREER, SRC, UC MICRO sponsored by Analog Devices, Fujitsu Lab., Intel and LSI Logic, IBM Faculty Partner Award; 2MARCO Gigascale System Research Center, NSF.

2 Existing Work on Variation-Aware Buffer Insertion
Buffer insertion for length variation [Khandelwal-ICCAD] Variation sources from difference between estimated and actual wire length Buffer insertion for process variation [Xiong-DATE] Random Leff and interconnect width variations Brute-force numerical manipulation of joint probability density functions (JPDFs), not efficient

3 Buffer Insertion and Wire Sizing (SBW) with Process Variations
Variations models Leff – random variation In reality, 50% systematic and 50% random Interconnect RC – systematic variation due to Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP) Random component of global interconnect variation on performance is insignificant in general Efficient variation-aware algorithms Table-based capacitance and fill insertion under CMP Efficient pruning to deal with random variation

4 Outline SBW and fill insertion (SBWF) under CMP variation
Modeling RC variation CMP-aware SBW and fill insertion algorithm Experiment: CMP-aware vs CMP-oblivious Extension to Leff variation Conclusion

5 Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP)
Metallization process Etch trenches Deposit Cu bulk Cu removal by CMP Dishing/Erosion Loss of Cu thickness due to over-polishing Fix: dummy fill insertion for more uniform Cu loss Dummy fill insertion Increase coupling cap

6 Chemical Mechanical Planarization (CMP)
width (μm) space (μm) R w/CMP Cc w/CMP Cs w/CMP 0.24 0.95 +28.7% +33.1% -0.11% 2.61 +30.6% +26.3% -1.35% 4.75 +31.4% +26.5% -0.23% 1.43 +28.8% +142.7% +1.88% +30.9% +141.8% +0.36% +31.7% +148.8% -0.69% Dishing and erosion lead to Up to 31.7% increase in resistance No change in capacitance Fill insertion [He-SPIE] can lead to 1.5x increase in coupling capacitance (Cc) 2% increase in total capacitance (Cs) Can be up to 10% increase if fill pattern is not optimized

7 Problem Formulation RATopt RAT = 900ps C = 30fF C = 2fF RAT = 2000ps
Reff = 100Ω RATopt ρ2 ρ1 ρ6 ρ5 ρ4 ρ3 Pitch space – to decide wire sizing

8 CMP-aware RC Parasitics
Optimal (min-Cx) dummy fill pattern insertion Pre-compute dummy fill pattern by enumeration [He-SPIE] Tabulate both cap and fill pattern, indexed by wire width/space and fill amount Post-dummy fill dishing/erosion calculation Using Tugbawa-Boning’s model from MIT [Tugbawa-thesis] Input: effective metal density, wire width/space

9 SBWF Algorithm Extended dynamic programming [van Ginneken-ISCS]
CMP model is deterministic Amount of variation calculated from metal features Use CMP-aware RC Prune sub-optimal/invalid partial solutions Inferior: Cinf > Cn & ATint < ATn Rise-time violation: Dsubtree > Dbound

10 Experiment Experimental settings SBW + Fill SBWF
ITRS 65nm (interconnect) & BSIM 4 (device) RAT at sinks = 0, Tr < 100ps SBW + Fill Solving SBW using CMP-oblivious RC, i.e. no dishing/erosion/fill insertion Risetime constraint set to 83ps during optimization to get solution that meets the Tr < 100ps constraint Solution to be verified after under CMP-aware RC SBWF Simultaneous buffering, wire sizing and fill insertion

11 Experiment: SBW + Fill vs SBWF
r1 – r5: benchmarks from [Tsay-TCAD] SBWF improves over SBW + Fill design by 1.0% arrival time on average by 5.7% power per switch SBW + Fill SBWF net # sinks Src AT (ps) Power (pJ) Runtime (s) r1 267 -2437 266 67 -2427 (0.4%) 250 (-6.2%) 86 r2 598 -3080 531 173 -3044 (1.2%) 486 (-8.5%) 193 r3 862 -3684 662 207 -3636 (1.3%) 613 (-7.4%) 257 r4 1903 -5372 1358 389 -5319 (1.0%) 1243 (-8.5%) 459 r5 3101 -6005 2025 512 -5960 (0.7%) 1865 (-7.9%) 727

12 Outline SBW and fill insertion (SBWF) under CMP variation
Modeling RC variation CMP-aware SBW and fill insertion algorithm Experiment: CMP-aware vs CMP-oblivious Extension to Leff variation Conclusion

13 Statistical Buffer Insertion under Random Leff Variation
Leff variation leads to delay variation Pick the solution with the desired distribution Objective in this work: maximize “required arrival time” at the source for majority of dies Delay = T = 1 Cumulative Probability RAT 90% This portion subject to AT optimization

14 Modeling Buffer Delay due to Leff Variation
Buffer characterization by Input capacitance (Cin) insensitive to Leff variation For total Leff of a buffer at the largest 1% corner, input capacitance only increases by 3% Output resistance (Reff) and intrinsic delay (Dbuf) sensitive to Leff and their variations are correlated Joint probability density function: PDFR,d(Reff, Dbuf) Delay with load Lbuf: Dload = Lbuf · Reff + Dbuf Modeled by cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) CDFd(L)(Dload) = Delay with load is given by Dload = Lbuf * Reff + Dbuf. Since Reff and Dbuf are now correlated random variables described by PDFr,d(R,D), we can apply standard transformation technique to obtain the CDF of the delay in a loaded buffer with random variable Dload, given by this double integral.

15 Challenges in Statistical Buffer Insertion Problem
Efficient manipulation of statistical calculation Arrival time as a random variable for optimization Captured by CDF Calculation is slow by brute-force manipulation Our approach: piece-wise linear (PWL) modeling Pruning rules to remove sub-optimal options Deterministic AT1 > AT2 and L1 < L2 – establishes total order Probabilistic P(AT1 > AT2 Λ L1 < L2) – only forms partial order eg. P(AT1 > AT2) = 0.6: sol 1 >> 2, but with a low probability

16 Statistical Operations in Buffer Insertion Problem
Buffer insertion-related timing calculation Adding a wire ATi = ATj – r*dij*Lj – 0.5*r*c*dij2 Adding a buffer ATbuf = ATi – d – Reff*Li Merging two branches ATi = min(ATj, ATk) Key operations on variables Statistical subtraction (addition) and minimum (maximum) + i j + i buf j k i min?

17 Statistical Operations in Buffer Insertion Problem
Add: z = x + y (if x and y independent) CDFz(t) = PDFx(t) ⊕ CDFy(t) Max: z = max(x, y) (if x and y independent) CDFz(t) = CDFx(t) * CDFy(t) Independence of random variables Adding wire Adding buffer Merging branches + i j constant i + buf uncorrelated j + k i from independent subtrees

18 Modeling Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDFs)
CDF: PWL curve [Devgan-ICCAD] Statistical addition (convolution) and maximum (multiplication) has closed-form solutions under PWL modeling FAST!! Sampling at pre-set percentile points on the y-axis is performed after operations to keep PWL form PDF: Piecewise constant (PWC) curve Obtained by differentiating the PWL of CDF

19 Key to Pruning: Definition of Dominance
CDF Dominance Dominated curve completely on the L.H.S. of some others Yield-cutoff dominance Compare the AT only at the target timing yield rate (Yt) CDF Dominance Yield-cutoff dominance

20 CDF Pruning Accurate as it does not drop options that may lead to the optimal solution Ineffective as it does not form total-order ⊕ or * = dominated still dominated Not dominating one another under CDF Dominance, i.e., must keep both curves

21 Yield-cutoff Pruning No partial-ordering issue, i.e. effective
Experimentally proven to achieve same accuracy as CDF Pruning log(runtime) (s) wire length (um) CDF Pruning Yield-cutoff Pruning Just say CDF is exp. And y is polynomial, no more CDF Pruning Yield-cutoff Pruning Testcase Mean (ps) SD (ps) Δ Mean Δ SD Line -6569 338 0% 5-sink -11543 505 1.2% 6-sink -9189 437 0.03% 0.002%

22 Experimental Settings
Target timing yield rate at 90% i.e. maximize the AT of 90% of dies Risetime at any node has 99% chance < 100ps SBW+Fill as our baseline CMP as after-thought and no Leff variation Requires over-constrained slew rate ratio 0.75 i.e. design under 75ps to satisfy risetime constraint vSBWF: SBWF + Leff variation

23 Definition of Timing Yield
AT with 90% timing yield for vSBWF Yield rate at the same AT of SBW+Fill is only 25.1%

24 Experiment: SBW+Fill vs vSBWF
Timing yield SBW+Fill: 45.7% on average vSBWF: 90% as targeted Runtime of vSBWF 8.3x that of SBW+Fill SBW+Fill vSBWF testcase # sinks yield (%) runtime (s) runtime(s) r1 267 0.1% 101 90% 1054 r2 598 6.7% 213 2126 r3 862 5.9% 277 2140 r4 1903 9.0% 607 4429 r5 3101 1.5% 972 7440

25 Conclusion Developed SBWF: CMP-aware buffering, wire sizing and fill insertion Reduced 1.0% delay and 5.7% power Extended SBWF to Leff random variation Proposed efficient yet effective yield-cutoff pruning rules Improved timing yield rate by 44.3% Finished largest example (3000+ sinks) in 2 hours

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